Chapter 11 "Moving In with Zane"

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Kawaii~Chan's POV
Zane~Senpai and Kawaii~Chan talked about moving in with each other. Zane~Senpai now has enough money to buy a house and he knew that maybe we could share a house. Also because Katelyn~Sama is moving in with Lucinda~KUN. I know they fight a lot but they seem to be less punchy then they use to be. I think Katelyn~Sama FINALLY excepts Lucinda~KUN as a friend! So I packed up my stuff around 10:48 Am and then got into my car and drove off to Zane~Senpai's house. I was so happy. Then he helped me put my stuff inside my new room. "Thanks Zane~Senpai!" I said as I kissed his cheek. "Holler if you need anything, I will be downstairs unpacking in my room. I felt a little uncomfortable with him sleeping in a different bed. But I kept unpacking not saying a word about that...then I realized I forgot my phone at my house! "Dang it!" I whispered to myself. "Hey Zane~Senpai, Kawaii~Chan forgot something at her house...uh she will be right back!" I reported. "Alright, be careful!" He said as he opened the door for me to go. "Kawaii~Chan will!" I said. I went into the car and went back to my old home and walked in...I looked around and saw my house was completely empty but I found my phone charging on the counter. I'm going to miss this place...but it's for the best. I walked out with my phone and went in the car and drove back to my new home. I walked in and saw Zane was putting some sort of spices onto the shelves. "Kawaii~Chan is back!" I said as I put my phone onto the dinner table. "Oh hey! Now that we moved in...and we are dating...I was wondering if you have not set up your room yet, if you would like to share a room with me?" He asked as he looked at me. "Kawaii~Chan would love to!" I yelled. I quickly ran up the stairs and grabbed a few boxes and put them into his room. I laid on his bed realizing is was better than the hard cold floor to sleep on. Then Zane~Senpai walked into the room and laid on the bed next to me. " you love me?" He asked. I nodded, "Of course!" He looked into my eyes and blushed a bright pink... "G-good...I just wanted to know...I.." He studdered not finishing his sentence. "I l-love you too..." He finally said. We hugged on the bed as I slowly was falling asleep in his arms.

Zane's POV
I laid on the bed next to Kawaii~Chan. She fell asleep in my arms. Her legs tangled into mine and I hugged her touching her back. She seemed warm and it was cold in the room. Her head was on my chest and then I realized that I changed...a lot...I would have never done this. But, I like this change. It was a lot better than before and I had someone to fall in love with. It started to rain I heard the thunder as I looked at Kawaii~Chan asleep, she was crying all of a sudden. She said these words in her sleep,"Zane~Senpai! No!" Then she started to cry. She awoke with fear in her eyes. "Kawaii~Chan are you okay?!" I asked with a little fear. "You...killed me!" She said crying in my arms. "I WOULD NEVER DO THAT!" I said as tears filled in my eyes. She cried some more. "Shhhh! It's okay...I love you and I would never hurt you," I whispered in her ear. I rubbed her back as she went close to my face. "It's all okay..." I said in a calm voice. "It was just a bad dream." I continued. She then closed her eyes and a second later her lips were melted into mine. We started to hug more and pull closer as the lighting went off. I could tell our love for each other was getting stronger and we were always meant to be.

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