Chapter 38 "Rivers Pain"

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Kawaii~Chan's POV
We came from the plane and then to the hotel. "Mama! PLAY!" Screeched River. "No! Mama~Chan needs to sleep," I warned her. "NO!" She screamed. "YES!" Zane~Senpai yelled. River stopped whining and started to cry instead. Then Ian~Chan started screaming. "Shush!" I grabbed Ian~Chan and started to rock him. Then put him to bed while River~Chan was crying. "What's wrong River?" Asked Zane~Senpai. "My tum tum hurts!" She complained. (That means tummy) I looked at Zane~Senpai. "Get some sleep...maybe that will help," I told her. She laid down. I sat down to check on her temperature. "She feels super hot...she might have caught a bug or something..." I reported.

Zane's POV
"She could be hungry. I'll go get her some food," I said. I rushed outside. Hmm, food market. Where is it again? Uff it's been such a long time sense I first came here. When Kawaii~Chan tried to hug me. Ha! Good times...I said in my head. I then saw the market when, BAM!!! "Ouch!" I moaned as I fell over...everything went black.

Kawaii~Chan's POV
It's been an hour sense Zane was here. And I was starting to worry. I then realized, I needed to look for I called Aphmau~Senpai to watch the kids for a while. "Hello?" I answered first. "Oh, hey Kawaii~Chan! Are you doing okay?" I started to feel my eyes burn. "Uh, maybe...look, Zane has not come back from the store, and it's been over an hour now!" I heard my voice shake as if I was about to cry. "Uh...okay what do you need me to do?" Her voice cracked. "I need you to watch the kids while I look for Zane~Senpai, please. Can you do that?" I waited for a long time before an answer..."Sure! I will be right over!" She hung up as I laid Ian~Chan down for a nap. Then I heard her walk in, "I'm here! I hope you don't mind that I brought Aden," Aphmau~Senpai replied. "No, no. It's not a problem at all. Thank you so so much anyways..." I told her. She smiled. "Alright...good luck!" She winked. I walked out the door and walked to the market...

Zane's POV
I awoke in the hospital of Love Love Paradise and my head was aching. "W-what happened?" I asked the nurse next to me. "You got hit by a volleyball, really might have broke something," she warned. I looked around, "I can't stay here! I've got a family to take care of-" "AND SO DO I!" She interrupted. "SUCK IT UP. I HAVE TO WORK HERE! DO YOU THINK I ENJOY IT?!" She yelled. "S-sorry miss, I-" "Sorry miss, I-I" she mimicked. "MISS, YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE LIKE THAT!" I yelled. She gave me an evil look and then did a sassy hair flip before walking away. Then I saw the doctor, "Am I gonna be okay?" I asked. "Yes, I checked. You only passed out and there were no bones broken!" The Doctor said. Then I jumped out of bed, "GOODBYE-" "No..." the doctor grabbed my arm. "What?!" I said. "We got to check if your brain is hurt. Okay?" Then I heard my phone go off. "Hold on a sec." I told the doctor. "Hello?" I answered. "BABE! YOUR OKAY? WHERE ARE YOU?" Kawaii~Chan cried trough the phone. "I'm okay. I'm at the hospital...why are you crying?" I asked. "You were gone for so long. I started to worry and I..." she started sobbing again. "Hang on...sorry Kawaii~ Chan. I've got a doctor to deal with..." "WAIT! You said you were in the hospital, WHY? Is everything okay? Who hurt you?!" I took a deep breath before answering, "I AM FINEE! I will talk to you later...bye!" Before she could say anything, I hung up. "Now, sir. I'love stay for a little longer. But then, I have to go home. Sorry to burst your bubble but I do have a family to get to," I answered. The Doctor nodded. "Fine."

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