Twenty-seven (II)

Start from the beginning

The rest of Jimmy's question hung in the air as a sudden commotion caught their attention.

"What is going on?" She stood on her toes trying to see what had everyone so excited. The sea of people slowly parted and they were faced with three official looking men in beige, escorted by a dozen or so Weardomese soldiers.

"I wasn't aware Lysander had such a responsive force!" Ford clapped his hands together as he addressed the approaching party, "we haven't been on land five minutes and you are already here to take those unruly pirates off our hands! Wonderful, simply wonderful. Finn, I wasn't aware you had already sent a dispatch ahead but excellent work."

The lieutenant coughed discreetly and said, "I didn't, sir."

Ford looked confused but continued to smile as the party halted a few steps from them. She was grateful that the captain had decided to wear his yellow and blue Royal Navy uniform as the guards stood to attention when they realised who he was.

The court officials on the other hand still stared down their noses at them. The one with the most portly belly of the three wobbled closer and spoke in a voice shriller than one would expect from a man his size, "We have no idea what you are talking about, sir. Kindly move aside, you are disrupting an important honorary mission directly from Her Grace, the dowager duchess. She wishes to see her daughter and we are to be her escorts."

As she heard the title, her heart sank. So her mother did know she was there. As usual, nothing went the way she wanted.

Ford's smile had slowly slipped off his face as he said, "Gentlemen, there must be some misunderstanding. As far as I'm aware, the Duke of Lysander had only one son."

"Yes," she spoke up before anyone else could and stepped forward so she was now standing beside the captain. "My half-brother."

Gasps and exclamations sounded from around her and she could almost feel Graham's intense gaze, boring into her. She chose to ignore it and closed her eyes.

"So this is how she welcomes her daughter? Like a prisoner who escaped persecution?" Rochelle asked no one in particular.

"Rochelle," Ford chocked on his words. "Narcis told me to help you meet your mother, but I had no idea who she was..."

Her eyes snapped open as she turned to glare up at the captain.

"This was a ploy, then? To help me reconcile with my mother?" She couldn't keep the bitterness from her tone, "well as you can see, she's already a few steps ahead of everyone. Like always."

"No! We really do have to stop at Lysander. But--"

"--it was also convenient for your little side-mission. It seems you succeeded, captain. I'll deal with Narcis when I get back. For now as you can all see, I'm being summoned." She turned away from Ford and the rest. She really didn't know what was wrong with her. Her defences were up and she felt faint just at the prospect of meeting her mother.

"You are all to stay here. Gather the supplies and do whatever else you want. I should be back before sundown. If not, sail on to Caim without me." She glanced at Graham from the corner of her eyes and said, "I suppose you have enough honour to complete my mission. If my mother thinks it necessary to imprison me, find out who killed the King and rescue my cousin."

"Rochelle." Graham stopped her with a hand on her arm but she easily shook him off.

"Promise me you'll finish the quest," she hissed. "Promise me."

Graham seemed torn but he nodded once and that was enough for her. She glanced back at Vermillion, the red striped ship gracefully swayed with the waves, her high masted flags flapped in the wind as if biding her farewell.

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