9# Love is a Mess - Literally!

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Hello lovelies. :).

I'm really sorry i haven't uploaded in a long time. It's just i've had a lot of thing to deal with, and a friend of mine is going through a lot and i have just not had enough time to write. Things are beguinning to sort themselves out, so should get back into the normal routine. If normal applies here. ;D

Ok, Comment, Fan, Vote please?

Thank you and enjoy!



"What do you mean, Alex isn't your brother?!" I asked, my voice ringing higher than i intended.

"We just have to tell people that he is, otherwise people would judge him straight away, but now i think he deserves more than an unfair judgement. He's a young offender, and my parents thought he was wrongly accused, and when they won his trial, hey took him in instead of letting him out on the streets. I don't know if they can do that, but i guess their lawyer title helps..." He said, all the while i was nodding along, the information failing to sink into my saturated mind.

"Oh, right..." I said and rested my head on my propped up elbow.

The sun was nearly fully set and the sky was fading from purple to grey. There was a cold breeze blowing through and very soon it would be dark.

"Are you ok, Taylor?" Will asked, is arm wrapped loosely around my back.

"Seriously?! Stop asking me. I'll survive. It didn't go far, anyway..." I said, but i knew i was still totally freaked out and nervous about going home.

"I know, but you could just be lying to me." He said studying my face and i raised an eyebrow at him.

"So, what was he arrested for?" I asked, wearily changing the subject. I was a pretty good liar, but around Will i don't think i could bluff for anything.

"I dunno. My parents never told me, they just said he needed settling in." He said, shrugging.

I sat there silently, thinking about everything he could've been arrested for. I shook my head as i started to think about the more unimaginable crimes.

"Will you be ok? I mean, if you want, we can go back to your house and i can check your house out and then walk, or you can tell your aunt and uncle..." He rounded off and i thought about how my aunt and uncle would react. My answer was a cringe.

"What?" Will asked, spinning towards me and scanning my face.

"I was thinking about my aunt and uncle and their reaction if i told them..." I said reluctantly. Seeing no alarm, he settled back a bit but his arm around my back tightened, and i was grateful.

"How would they react?" He asked, flicking his chocolate hair out of his eye, and i couldn't help but stare at him as he did.

"Boy, you don't want to know." I said cockily. I wanted to tell him everything that was going on in my life, but i held back.

"I do. You aren't allowed to butt me out like that, Miss Grey." He said, his fierce green eyes holding my deep browns in a long stare.

"Maybe another time. I just want to chill and not think of anything right now." I said and sighed a deep breath.

The sky had rapidly turned black and we were sitting out under starlight.

We sat there for a few minutes, watching the lights in the town below flicker on, and for a while, nothing streamed through my head. No thoughts or emotions or ridiculous feeling, just pure simplicity.

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