He whispered softly to Xavier before striding forward and disappearing into the trees.

"Did they just let us go?" Hayden asked incredulously.

"No," Xavier answered turning around to survey the surroundings, his eyes seeming to settle on the mountains, "they are going to inform the leader of our presence."

"The leader? But I thought Lethe was their leader." Charlotte spoke slowly, trying to get her foggy mind to work. She found her throat to be raw but tried to keep her voice steady.

"Lethe was." Came the simple reply.

For the next few moments they all stood in relative silence, waiting for something to happen. The only sounds were the natural music of the forest around them. But Charlotte couldn't find it in her to appreciate it. Her heart was pounding loudly and she had trouble keeping her vision clear.

A rustling of leaves drew her attention to her right and with sluggish movements she turned to see a blonde woman stepping into the light. Besides her was a young girl of maybe ten summers with hair the colour of burnished gold and brown eyes that were more mature than they ought to be.

She wanted to ask them who they were. They didn't seem threatening but then again how would she know.

Charlotte heard Xavier talking to the woman but the voices seemed to be coming from far away. She struggled to keep her eyes open and focus on what they were saying. But it proved to be impossible.

The last thing she remembered before losing consciousness and collapsing was a little boy jumping out from behind the tree. And for some inexplicable reason he seemed familiar.

She wasn't allowed to dwell on it as her body finally gave in to the exhaustion and turmoil of the previous two days.


"She'll be alright, Xavier. You need to eat."

"Not now Ari."

"At least come and meet the children properly. They've missed you."

"They've grown older."

"Yes," the woman said, her voice filled with pride. "Timothy looks more like you with each passing day."

"Have you told them? About their father?"

There was a long pause in which Charlotte was sure she had just imagined the conversation. But then the strong sure voice of the woman came again.

"Not yet."

A rustling of fabric came from nearby and a beam of light fell across her closed eyelids.

Charlotte groaned as she sluggishly raised her arm to block out the glare. Her limbs felt heavy but she managed to turn away from the source of light. Her hand fisted the rough fabric as she tried to get her bearings.

"Don't move." A strong calloused hand came to rest atop her own small one and eased her fingers open.

"Where am I?" She croaked out.

Daring to open her eyes an inch she glimpsed a familiar face. Xavier was sitting besides her bed with a worried frown marring his features.

"We are in the Whites camp. I've informed Ari of Lethe's death."

"Ari? Lethe?" Her mind was struggling to piece everything together. It was taking all her concentration just to keep her eyes open and focused on Xavier.

"Rest. You've been working yourself too hard. You need rest and then we'll talk."

His voice was filled with promise and Charlotte felt like a little girl again, being berated for keeping something from her father.

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