Chapter 4

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"Can you tell me what it was?" Sela asked.

"Well... Yamato-kun and I..." Amu tried to explain.

Yamato entered to the consulting room, interrupting the conversation. "I'm back, shall we go?"

Amu nodded, before she left, she snatched Puchi from Sela's arms and left the consulting room very annoyed.

"What's going on with her?" Yamato asked confused.

Sela sighed. "Girl's things..." she replied and looked at him. "Whoever you are, you must be careful with me because if you put a finger on her, I would kill you. Okay?" she warned.

Yamato nodded. "I swear that I won't do anything to her, there are many things that she and I have to explain. With your permission." he said before he left. Sela just sighed.


On the mansion, Naomi entered to her home with many bags in her arms.

"I'm back." Naomi said as she was leaving the bags in the kitchen.

"Welcome back." May said. "How was your visit with Yamato-san?" she asked.

"Awful!" she replied annoyed. "I entered to his consulting room and there was him, I was very excited to show him the invitation samples for the wedding, he just said that they were pretty, that I have to choose one of them and then I had to get out from there because he had to look after an old man who was dying." she hysterically.

"Two things; first, you have to calm down because with that you don't gain anything and second, the most valuable thing he has in his life is his work and his patients. You have to make him love more and more."

"And why? If I don't love him, remember that we are in bankruptcy and I just fell in love with him for his money."

"Haven't you thought about what can happen?" she asked seriously. "What if a girl from a different society appears in the life of Yamato-san?"

"That won't happen, he's very busy for his job. I told him that he hasn't to forget our tonight's dinner."

"I have an idea. Why don't you go to Yamato's mansion and surprise him with the romantic dinner? That's easy."

"But his neighbor won't notice anything?" she asked.

"Do you mean Misao? At his time he must be taking care of the mansion."

"You know he hates me for the way I am."

"You just focus on falling in love with Yamato-san, while Steve and I'll do the rest. Okay?"

Naomi nodded. "Okay..."

"Now go to the mansion and don't spoil it." she said.

Naomi snorted and took the bags again and tried her best for left the mansion.


Inside the car and after buy the medicine, Yamato was driving over the street. Amu was sitting on the passenger seat, she caring Puchi while he was sleeping on her lap. There was an uncomfortable silence, because on the way, they have never spoken. Amu was about to speak but he went ahead.

"Four years have passed..." Yamato spoke.

"Eh?" Amu asked confused.

"Today is four years when we..."

Amu smiled a little. "You remembered the day." she said.

"Yes, I did. How could I forget that day?" he asked.

Amu sighed. "Because... the day we turned one month, you left like nothing happened between us."

"Amu... there are things that I have to explain and I regret for haven't told you that day..."

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