Chapter 28

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Hours after at Dr. Fukuhara's room, Amu was lying down on the stretcher, she was telling everything what happened.

"... And a lot of things happened to me." Amu said. "Besides you got me into all this, doctor... because now I don't know what to do, because you got me here and..." Amu looked at Dr. Fukuhara (Steve) who was sleeping on the chair. "Doctor... doctor..." Amu called him and he was sleeping peacefully. "Doctor!" Amu hit on his thigh for waking him up.

Dr. Fukuhara (Steve) woke up. "Eh? What do you want?" he asked.

"No... that I tell you that you got me into all this." Amu replied him.

"Where did I get you?! What's wrong with you?!" he asked insulted.

"In this problem, you got me into this and I don't know what to do..."

"In what problem?! What you accuse me of, Amu?! What problem did I get you?!"

"It's not that I'm accusing you, is that you got me into this whole thing. What I do?" she said desperate.

"Oh... what are you talking about?" he asked her.

Amu frowned. "Don't be funny, doctor! If you invented all this of Shun-kun!"

"Oh I see... look, what was before was a lie, but now... it's real." he said.

"But why right now? He's in love with me."

"All I'm going to say, Amu... is that you give Shun a chance. He is a single man and he has helped you in many things, forget Yamato, he already has his life next to Naomi."

"But doctor..."

"Without buts! My decision is whether you like it or not!"

"You know what, doctor? I don't want to continue making this farce." Amu stood up and took her bag. "I'm going out of here."

"What are you doing, Amu?! Come back right now!" Dr. Fukuhara (Steve) shouted.

"I don't want to! You just make things complicated! I'd better set things up for myself!" Amu went to the door and opened it. "Goodbye doctor!" Amu shut the door.

Steve was about to speak and it was too late. He just sighed and removed his glasses, everything was complicated for Amu but he was glad that the nightmare was over. It was a waste of time to give Amu ideas to separate her from Yamato, now Naomi or Shun will have to do it another way.


Hours after, at night... Amu was at her bedroom writing on her diary. There were many things to put into her daily life. With every thing that happens in her life, she always has the possibility to write them as a souvenir.

"Dear Diary:

Today many things happened as always, but also of the worst. Like Naomi-chan and her silly letter that was written by Yamato-kun... handwritten... the truth... it hurt me a lot when she read it to me and broke it in front of me. Also because, Shun-kun fell in love with me and with everything that Dr. Fukuhara told me to give him a chance. I don't understand, because he was the one who had put the farce to forget Yamato-kun and now it turned out that he fell in love with me, but... I don't know... his eyes felt sad when I told him that we had to finish with all this. I think Dr. Fukuhara is right, maybe I should give Shun-kun a chance... but I'll think about it.

Atte: Amu."

Amu stopped writing and took out her box of memories from her drawer. She lifted the lid and took a picture of her and Yamato when they were young, they both were holding hands, their fingers were intertwined and looking into the eyes. Amu smiled with nostalgia.

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