Chapter 33

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At Iriyama's mansion, Shun was coming down the stairs, wearing an orange shirt with jeans and a beige coat. Everything was ready for dinner, the cutlery and plates were on the table, the lobster and pasta were right there and well cooked, he decided to put the candles and some slow music to have a perfect atmosphere. Naomi, May and Steve went to the other mansion to watch that everything was perfect. Suddenly, the doorbell rang and Shun went to the door, he opened it and smiled.

"Come in, welcome." Shun said. Amu and her mom smiled and entered to the mansion.

Amu looked at the table decorated. "How pretty is the table." she beamed.

"I would have gone for you, but I had to make sure everything was perfect." Shun took a bottle of champagne and took a bottle opener to open the drink.

"No, it doesn't matter, Yamato-san accompanied us." Amu's mom told him.

Shun's eyes widened. "Yamato?" he asked shocked.

"Yes... well... he visited us for a while and as we were going the same way, he decided to accompany us to leave here." Amu replied.

"Oh does he visit you a lot?" he asked.

Amu's mom nodded. "Yes, is that Amu and I love Yamato-san as a member of the family." she mentioned.

The lid of the champagne bottle exploded and Amu and her mom got scared.

"Sorry." Shun apologized. "Do you want to start with dinner?" he asked with a smile, although inside he wasn't happy.


At Kazakiri's mansion, Naomi was at the kitchen with the binoculars placed in her eyes, she was spying out of the window what was happening right now with Shun. Although Yamato's mansion and her mansion were a few blocks away, it had a perfect view of the other houses and see what people are doing.

"Mou how does he attend to them." Naomi murmured. At this moment, she watched how Shun helped Amu and her mom to take their seats. Yamato was entering to the kitchen and saw her fiancée watching the window. He decided to approach her.

"What are you doing, Naomi?" Yamato asked looking at the window.

Naomi took off the binoculars and jumped out of the fright. "Oh! Umm... here watching... umm..." she was nervous than ever.

"I'll ask you two things; One, what wasn't flooding your mansion? And two, are you spying on Shun?" he asked curious.

"Umm you'll see, my mansion were fixed a week ago and I decided to rent it to Shun, so I accidentally saw activity in my mansion and wanted to know what was going on." she replied.

"I want to see what's going on." Yamato took the binoculars, he placed it in his eyes and looked at the window. "Oh he has dinner." Yamato looked at Shun serving champagne in the glasses.

"Yes, look how cute the new couple." Naomi said kindly as she looked at the window. "How handsome it's Shun, right?"

"And Amu..." he murmured.


"No, and Amu is there with her mom." he corrected.

"Yes, leave that. Come on, I'll cook you some dinner." Naomi took Yamato's hand, she pushed him away from the window and sat him down on the chair.

Yamato took off the binoculars. Then it was true, Amu was having a real dinner with her boyfriend. Then the signs were correct, Amu was in love with him and now they have a real relationship. It was what he was feeling right now, jealousy and pain.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2017 ⏰

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