Chapter 22

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At Iriyama's mansion, Shun was doing his own Yoga classes on the floor. Suddenly, Steve was entering to the mansion.

"Shun!" Steve called him and sat down on the floor next to him.

"Good morning." Shun greeted trying to concentrate.

"Are you busy?"

"What do you think?"

"Umm I came to ask you if everything went well last night."

"The truth it was great."

"Great? Did you stick to the script I gave you?"

"I said everything you wanted me to tell you, of course, my way to feel it and to be more but simple."

Steve pouted. "What do you mean? That my script wasn't perfect?"

"Everything is better."

"Did Yamato believe everything you told him?"

"Absolutely everything. I invented my story that Amu and I met four years ago." he replied him.

"Wait a minute. That story you didn't invent it, it came in my script." Steve corrected.

"Yes, but I gave it colorful. You would have seen the perfect tone I gave it, I made those four years fly by."

"I'm not interested in the details of your interpretation. Tell me, what did Amu tell you when you left Yamato's mansion?"

Shun left the yoga classes aside and looked at his friend. "She got a little annoyed."

"Why?" he asked confused.

"For the four years, she didn't expect it. I thought you, well, Dr. Fukuhara was going to tell her."

"Well, what did she told you?"

"That what Yamato was going to think, for what I had said exactly four years, for what happened between Yamato and Amu. But I changed the play, I told her that if she wanted, everything was over and I was going. I calmed her down."

Steve tried to calm down. "That wasn't in the script."

"Yes, but I tell you that I calmed her down. I can handle her."

"No! The only one who will handle her, it's me. You are an actor in my work. You are doing very well, but you are nothing more than that, an actor in my work. I'm going to want you to keep busy with Yamato, if he believed everything you said to him, keep pushing the knife in his heart like Romeo and Juliet."


At the apartment, Amu, Leo and Sela were having breakfast together. Leo and Sela were excited to know what happened between their friend and Yamato.

"Do you swear that Yamato wanted to kiss you?" Sela asked shocked. Amu nodded.

"Oh my god!" Leo shouted. Sela covered her ears, she hated that Leo screamed at her side and had to endure him for all her life.

"It's hard for me to control it because I love him." Amu said, remembering the night she was about to kiss him. "But it's a difficult matter because what happened four years ago..."

"Wait, Amu. We have told you that Yamato loves you only you, he has always loved you. I swear that the day I was massaging him, he asked for you, I saw him in his eyes." Sela told her.

"He loved me" Amu corrected her. "And if he had loved me, he wouldn't have left me four years ago, much less for a letter written in his handwriting." she said hitting the table, she was annoyed at just remembering it.

My First Love (HIATUS)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz