Chapter 31

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Yamato was at his bedroom searching in his box of memories the letter he had written for Amu four years ago. He already searched in the closet, in the drawers and his only solution was in his box but his letter wasn't there. No one has entered his bedroom to take things without permission, in his mansion had been happening strange things since Naomi moved with him. After, he heard a few door knocks and quickly put the things in the box and then put it in the closet.

"Come in." Yamato said.

The door opened and May was entering to the bedroom with Sela.

"Excuse me, Yamato-san. Sela-san just arrived." May said.

"Thanks, May." Yamato told her. "Hi, Sela. How are things going between you? After what happened with the fight."

"Well... the things are already a little calm but everything is fine." Sela replied.

"That's good to know." he said with a smile. "And May, this is for you." Yamato took out of his pocket a strip of paper.

"For me?" May asked pointing at herself. "What is it?" she asked as received the strip.

"It's a check for your trip to Yokohama. Naomi told me you'd rather buy it on your own."

May was surprised. "Oh... thanks, Yamato-san. I'm so grateful for what you're doing. Thank you very much." May left the bedroom and closed the door. Outside Yamato and Sela heard her shouts of emotion.

"What's wrong?" Sela chuckled. "You're nervous."

Yamato sighed. "Yes... and you know why." he told her.

"Eh?" she asked confused.


Amu was at her apartment, it was time for her break and she decided to go to her apartment because she called Shun to come there. They had to sort out an issue they were talking about last night and Amu made her decision. The doorbell rang and Amu went to the door, she opened it.

"Oh Shun-kun, come in." Amu said. Shun entered and closed the door. "Sit down please." she said.

"It really surprised me a little that you called me." Shun told her and sat down on the couch.

Amu sat down next to him. "Yes, what happens is that... we need to talk." she said.


"And... can you explain me what makes you nervous?" Sela asked. She was taking off some creams from her bag for the massage treatment.

Yamato sat down on his bed. "The truth is that when I see Amu with Shun, I get really bad." he replied sadly. "I know I do not have to mess with them but... you know what was between us, right?"

Sela just nodded.


"I kept thinking about all that you told me that you wanted us to be together." Amu explained.

Shun nodded. "Yeah... continue."

"Although all this started as a lie... what you told me last night, I was touched. I think maybe... you're right... and... maybe we have to prove to see if this works... you understand, right?" Shun shook his head. "Because besides... I feel very alone." she confessed.


"She doesn't have to be alone." Yamato said while he was lying face down on the bed. "She has to be with someone who loves her, right?" Sela nodded, she didn't like to Yamato like that, he was suffering a lot for Amu. "I don't want to be selfish and... Shun, I really don't like him for her. It's seen that he loves her and evidently she loves him. But I angst, I get bad..." Yamato looked at Sela, she was walking from side to side. "What's wrong, Sela? I bored you with everything I told you, didn't I?"

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