Chapter 15

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At Iriyama's mansion, May and Steve were having their dinner. Naomi came into the mansion very altered.

"May-chan! Steve!" Naomi shouted walking over them.

"Hi, Naomi." May greeted at her. "Why did you come back a little early?"

"Ahh! I'm going to grab that envious woman with short hair and that little doctor of fourth and I'm going to run them over!" she exclaimed.

"Yes! That's a nice idea!" Steve shouted.

"Stop it!" May shouted. "Stop it you two. We relax and we breathe." Naomi and Steve looked at her and nodded. "Breath, breath, breath..." Naomi and Steve inhaled. "And let the air out." They exhaled and felt more relaxed. "Now let's think together." Naomi and Steve walked over her and waited for a second. "I have an idea."

Naomi relaxed. "I'm glad that you have an idea."

"I always have an idea." she said with a smile. "I can already imagine what you heard, but listen to me. You're going to do exactly what I'm going to tell you, you also Steve. Did you two understand me?"

Naomi and Steve nodded. "Okay." they replied in unison.

"Oh my god. If this works, it's going to be a miracle." May murmured.

"Why?" Steve asked confused.

May rubbed her temples. "Oh my god..."


At Sela's apartment, Amu was lying on the couch reading a magazine. Her friend Sela had already gone to her bedroom to sleep. Suddenly, her cellphone started to ring. She stopped reading and left her magazine aside. She took the cellphone from the desk and placed it on her ear.


"Hello, Amu." Yamato asked on the other side of the call. "How are you?"

Amu smiled. "I'm fine. Thank you for ask, what about you?"

"I'm okay, thank you for ask."

"Why did you call me at this time? Did something happen?"

"Umm yes..."

"Look, Yamato-kun. If it's because of what happened in the sauna and with Naomi-chan, then I won't get in trouble between you and..."

"No, Amu. It's not about it... I called to tell you that I want to talk to you."

Amu's heart started to beat fastly. "Oh... right now at phone?"

"Yes, right now."

"Umm could be tomorrow? Because it's too late to talk on a cellphone... I can go to your mansion if you want... No! Better not and I see you somewhere else..."

"No, it's okay. I'll wait you for tomorrow in my mansion."

"Yes, I'll go tomorrow."

"Okay, I just wanted to tell you that. So good night."

"Wait, Yamato-kun! You know that I am curious and anxious for one thing, now that you told me... I also have to talk to you and you left me with doubt. Could you tell me something for tomorrow?"

"It's a surprise. I'll wait you tomorrow."

"Mouu okay... so goodnight."


Amu hung up remaining with doubts. "What will be so important what he is going to tell me?" she asked. "I hope it's something good."


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