Chapter 6

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In the afternoon at Amu's apartment, the girl opened the door and she entered, after she closed the door and she left Puchi on the floor. Along the way, she hadn't stopped thinking about Yamato all day, inside of her... she was very happy to have found him again, but she also felt somewhat annoyed and sad for two things, first because he never told her why he had left her four years ago and second, now he is about to marry with another woman, she didn't know what to do... hate him... be his friend... or forget him...


"Careful, it hurts a lot." Naomi asked.

She was at the main room of her mansion and being attended by Steve and May. After the terrible allergic reaction, Naomi had come home with so many complaints of her irritated sking, so Steve and May decided to put a special ointment for itching.

"How did this happen?" Steve asked as he was putting some ointment on her left arm. "In this residence nobody has dogs."

Naomi made her tantrum. "That woman and her dog are responsible for this!" she exclaimed.

"Calm down and don't move!" May scolded. "Explain why a woman and her dog were in Yamato-san's mansion."

"Amu... that is her name... Puchi is her dog's name. She was on Yamato's mansion because... because..."

"Because of what? Speak now!"

"Yamato told me that he and Amu were more than friends!"

"What?!" May and Steve asked in unison.

"Explain yourself well..." May said seriously.

"She said that Amu's was Yamato's girlfriend before he meets Naomi." Steve explained. "Who is Amu?"

"Do you want to shut up?!" Naomi shouted. "We are in trouble!"

"How do you know that Amu's was Yamato-san's girlfriend?" May asked.

"I don't know... I just asked him a direct question and he gave me a direct answer... he told me directly that four years ago he had something to do with Amu!"

"First relaxed... we inhale... we breath..." she asked. Naomi breath strongly. "After... let the air out..." Naomi left the air out and she finally relaxed. "Are you quiet?"

Naomi nodded. "Yes I am... after he explained to me about it, he told me I don't have to worry because now he and Amu are friends and I just warned her to stay away from Yamato. So she brought her dog... and this happened to me... so I decided cancelled tonight's dinner..."

"Did you cancel tonight's dinner?" May asked. "Why did you do that?!"

"I don't want that this to ruin my beauty."

"We have to do something because if wedding plans change..." Steve told them. "Remember that Yamato is a bussiness, we just have to wait three months for the wedding. What could go wrong?"

"I warned you that something would go wrong, that a woman would appear in Yamato-san's life." May said.

"And you had the fault about warn me. You always have to warn me and everything comes true, you look like a witch." Naomi mentioned. "For the moment, we must be on guard for any incident that changes, I don't think that Amu will ever step on Yamato's mansion again."

"Only a question... is she pretty?" Steve asked.

"Yes, she is pretty... than me..." she replied.


In the night at the apartment, Amu was on her bedroom sitting on her bed and writting on her diary.

"Dear Diary:

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