"You can't waste your time on me, your majesty. Go, be free."


The prisoner gave her one final grin then receded back into the shadows of his cell. Charlotte took that as a sign that she had been dismissed. She turned and ran to catch up with Xavier and the rest to find that they were in the guard room that had the stairs leading up to the main part of the palace.

To her surprise she found one of the guards tying two of his comrades up and when he was done Hayden offered to help him with his bounds.

"What are they doing?" She asked, amused at the situation.

"They are still loyal to you." Hayden spoke up and the guards nodded along before slumping in a heap and acting as if they were unconscious.

Charlotte couldn't help but giggle at the situation.

"What's so funny?" Xavier hurried down the stairs and in the brighter lighting in the guardroom she could see the state he was in.

His eyes supported bruise-like dark circles and his dark hair and clothes were disheveled. But he smiled slightly when their eyes met and her heart soared with hope.

"Is the path clear?" Lethe spoke up.

"No," Xavier turned serious as he looked over his shoulder up the steps. "From the time Hayden and I came down to now, they seemed to have had a drunken party. Dozens of men are lying everywhere in various states of stupor, while the party seems to still be on in full swing in the Great Hall."

"They are having a party?" Charlotte gulped. Had it only been last night that her father had been poisoned?

"There are secret passages leading out of the castle." Hayden added.

"But the closest one I remember is across the hall from where this door opens. We'll be in full sight. And though the two of us made it through, Hayden. I really doubt that they'll not recognise Charlotte even if they are half dead from the amount of alcohol in their systems."

"Seems like you need a distraction." Lethe said.

They all turned towards the rebel leader and Xavier's face darkened before he said, "Don't try to play the hero, Lethe."

"We all know that Diego would enjoy torturing me rather than going after you." He turned towards her and Charlotte's eyes widened as he took her hand and bowed to her, "It was a pleasure to get the chance to know you, your majesty. You'll get your castle and kingdom back. Have faith. And be brave, my dear. You have a hard road ahead."

"No." She chocked out. "You can't--"

"But I must," he smiled ruefully at her. "Promise me one thing though."

"Anything." Charlotte answered automatically.

"Tell her. Tell the love of my life that I died a hero. I died trying to protect you. Trying to give you a chance. Tell her how much I love her and the kids. Let them know."

Charlotte felt her eyes sting with unshed tears but she wouldn't dishonour Lethe. She took a deep breath and nodded, "But how would I find them?"

"Oh they'll find you."

The rebel leader nodded to Hayden and tried to walk up the steps but Xavier's hand stopped him.

"She'll never forgive me if I let you do this."

The words were spoken in a harsh whisper but in the quiet guardroom it was loud enough. Charlotte instinctively knew that Xavier wasn't talking about her. He was referring to someone else, but who?

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