Cilan x reader

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You were walking down a long path.
You were finally ready to get your fourth badge of Unova.
It had been a great journey a bit lonely but nothing you couldn't handle.

You leaned against a tree enjoying the sun.

"(Y/n)! Is that you?" You hear someone yell.
You wondered who it could have been.
Quickly you turned toward the person, to see Ash running and waving at you.
"Hey Ash is that you?" You asked.
"Yeah it's been forever. That last time I saw you off on your journey to Johto." Ash said.
"Where's Brock and Misty?" You asked.
"They left me." Ash said sadly.

Cilan was quite taken with you from the start.
He grabbed your hand and kissed it gently.
"Hello Miss, I'm Cilan." He said.
"Hey, I'm Iris." She said.
"You're traveling with your own butler?" You asked Ash.
Ash laughed.
"Excuse me I'm a Striaton city gym leader." Cilan said.
"Really you're the missing brother?" You asked.
"Yes." Cilan said.
"I always imagined you'd be a lot more... Handsome." You said.
Cilan laughed.

"Where are you going (Y/n)?" Ash asked.
"I'm actually headed to Castelia city." You said.

"That's about two days that way." Ash said.
"Well I better stop stalling." You said, about to run off.
"Wait why don't we escort you?" Cilan asked.
Ash laughed and agreed.
It had only been you and your Pokémon for the longest. So you agreed.

Cilan walked next to you for awhile catching glances, admiring your beauty.
Feeling the stares you kept your gaze on Ash.
Ash could feel that you were feeling uneasy.
"So how are things with the garebear?" Ash asked.
"We broke up." You stated.
"Who would leave a beautiful woman such as yourself?" Cilan said.
"I left him." You stated very monotone.
Cilan was quite after that.

Soon the sun had started setting.
"I better set up camp." You said looking at the sun.
"Well, we better find a place to sleep." Ash said.
"There's an abandoned shack about a mile away." Cilan said.
"Great" You said running off.
"Wait!" Cilan said running off after you.

Iris looked at Ash.
"I don't even know where they're going." Iris said with a sigh.
"Me either." Ash said laughing.

After a few minutes of chasing you, Cilan caught up to you.
He grabbed your wrist.
"(Y/n)! Where are you going? Running of into no where is only a recipe for disaster." Cilan said.
He glanced at his surrounding.
He honestly had no idea where they were other then pinwheel forest.
"I think we may be lost." Cilan said.

Great you were lost with some guy you didn't even know.
Feeling something wet drip on your cheek you looked up at the sky.
It was raining.
How could that be? It was sunny mere moments ago.
You leaned back against a tree and slumped down.
"I'm sorry (Y/n). The spice we added to this disaster was a horrible recipe." Cilan said taking a seat next to you.

"I'm sorry this is my entire fault." You admitted.
"No worries we'll find our way out when the sun rises." Cilan said.
"But it's raining." You said.
Cilan took his vest off holding it above your head.
You blushed. Even if he wasn't the cutest of the brother he was defiantly the kindest.
"Don't get your vest wet." You said.
"No worries I'm just sorry it wasn't a jacket." Cilan said laughing.

The two of you burst into laughter.
"No worries. But thank you very much." You said.
"(Y/n)?" Cilan said.
"Yes Cilan?" You asked.
"May I have the pleasure of kissing your sweet lips?" Cilan asked.
"Permission granted." You said leaning in kissing his lips.

The kiss was tender yet sweet.
You couldn't believe how much you were enjoying this.
You wrapped your arms around his neck.
Cilan pulled away.
"I'm so sorry." Cilan said.
"No worries. I'm to blame." You said.
"I agree if your lips didn't look so succulent and tantalizing I wouldn't have kissed them." Cilan said.

You giggled.
The rain lifted as soon as it began.
Once it had lifted you noticed a small building.
"Hey lets go that way." You said.
Cilan got up grabbing your hand the both of you walked in.

"It's a bit small." You said.
"It's perfect." Cilan said.
You decided to just agree.

Luckily the both of them had their sleeping bags with them.
Cilan pulled his out sleeping bag.
"You know if you get cold you can always cuddle with me." Cilan said with a small laugh. "Actually I'll take you up on that." She said.
Cilan blushed a deep shade of red.
"O-Oh okay then." Cilan said.
They had zipped their sleeping bags together, and took turns waiting out side for the other to get dressed.
Crawling in the sleeping bag, Cilan wrapped his arms around her pulling her close.

"Even though I barley know you I have a feeling our spices will blend well together, and I would love if you could be my girlfriend." Cilan said.
"I would enjoy that very much." She said, turning around she wrapped her arms around him pulling him into a sweet kiss.
Soon they drifted to sleep in each others arms.

The next morning Ash and Iris opened the door to the cabin.
"We found...!" Ash was cut off by Iris slapping her hand over his mouth.
"Shut up! don't ruin this for him." Iris whispered.
Ash nodded as they closed the door.
"I'm happy for him." Ash said.
"Me to." Iris agreed looking at the sun as it rose in the sky.
Cilan was happy and so was you.

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