Black x reader

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Castelia City, and as we all know it, is something that every newcomer to Unova should avoid. With bustling streets and alleys, crowded and crammed with a different variety of people, along with the clusters of garbage and debris floating around the roads of Castelia at night, it wasn't such an extravagant metropolis anymore. Instead it was a Tepig's sty, as the alleys wreaked of old stench sewers and even the people themselves (trainer, included) weren't the kindest of the bunch.

But even so, you wondered down the thin, narrow sides of Castelia, following the street lamps that were mounted on the stone path. As you looked up, you watch a flock of Woobat fly over the rustic trees, as they squealed and screeched whilst in flight.

It was a smooth summer's evening; yet the air felt dry and cold. Your hands were shivering; they were practically wrinkled from the exposure of the cool wind. Not much was to be seen in the pale darkness of Castelia, apart from the usual encounters of wild Pidoves or Patrats.

You sneezed.

The air grew colder and colder, and you walked faster and faster, desperate to reach home. You passed a few restaurants along the way, and there was an old man holding up a sign that said, "Today's Special: Pecha Berry Soup!" However, you did not feel hungry at all. You felt sick in the stomach or head, you could not decide.

As you progressed down the stone path, you saw a boy – who was around your age, engaging in a Pokémon battle. Ever since you had moved to the city, it had been a while since you'd seen a battle in real life. In interest, you scurried closer, but not close enough so the participants could not see you.

Black's eyes narrowed at the other teenage boy in front of him, who was seen to be smirking. The boy then grinned, and pointed at you before stating, "Hey Black! Is that your girlfriend?"
You were completely embarrassed now, and you hid your face beneath your scarf (Was it from the cold or your flushed face? Who knew.)

Black turned towards the boy, and deadpanned, "I don't know who she is. But she is more than welcome to watch." And with a smile, he commanded his Pokémon Servine to attack the teen's Machop.

With only one single hit, Machop was on the ground, failing to stand. He fainted as the teenager picked him up crying, "No! Black, that was so unfair!! REMATCH!"
But Black shook his head, smiling, "Not for now, buddy. Maybe tomorrow? It's getting late."

Something about Black intrigued you, but you didn't say anything. That is until he approached you calmly.
"Hey," he said with a kind smile, "sorry about my friend, from earlier. He's an idiot."
"Oh, it's fine." You chuckled a bit.
As for the teenager, he had already left, waving at Black, yelling and screaming, "HEY BLACK TELL ME HOW YOUR DATE GOES!" And he finished that off with a loud 'Yahoo!' and ran, screaming some more.

Black was blushing a bit, from his friend's obnoxious behavior.
Servine slithered towards Black's leg, wrapping itself around his leg. He smiled, then pet Servine on the head.
"Oh, my name's Black by the way." He cheekly grins at you, blushing softly. Suddenly, you didn't feel very cold anymore.
"And I'm (Y/n)." You simply said, blushing too. Servine knew what was going on, and gave Black a sly smirk. Black, in response, nudged its side gently with his foot, looking away shyly.

"(Y/n), huh? That's a pretty name." He said.
You blushed, "Thank you."

Ring! Ring!
"I'm sorry, one moment." He grins again, then walks a few meters away from you to answer the phone call. After a few moments, he hung up and then turned to you again.

"Hey, sorry, but I really have to go. My mom is worried sick about me," He puts an arm behind his head, slyly, "apparently, she wants me to get back home and give her those Pecha Berry Soup I'd promised her."
You laughed, and it was a jolly laugh.
He drooped his shoulders a bit, kind of like a mini shrug, "My mom's crazy."
"So is mine." You said, standing beside him.

You both decided to walk a bit more together, near the restaurant both of you went and Black decided to buy two Pecha Berry soup.
"N-No, I can't Black..." You said, shaking your head to the food. But he refused to give in and held your hands softly.
"Please take it, (Y/n). Honestly it's the least I could do for you."
"But I've done nothing," you argue.
He grasps your hands a bit tighter, but lets go firmly, "For giving me the best evening I could ask for. You could say, it was... a pleasant date." He blushed.
Your face was scarlett by now.

He leaned in a bit, and just for a moment you thought he was going to kiss you. But instead he withdrew, and whispered, "Let's meet up again, sometime." And with that he grinned widely.
You both hugged for a slight moment, and you could sniff his scent faintly, but as you withdrew you felt... empty, all of a sudden. Was it love at first sight?

And as the summer breeze blew by, Black waved goodbye to you. He walked away, clutching on his black shoulder strap, and fidgeting his phone which had your phone number on it. You peered down at your own, smiling like an idiot to yourself. You proceeded along the stone path, following the streetlights that guided you through the thick night. The air was not thick anymore, it was breathable. You loosened your scarf and sniffed the air without sneezing. A flock of Woobat flew by, over your head and into the trees for a good night sleep. You heard them chirp a bit before you saw the same crowd from before, scramble before you. Suddenly, you didn't seem so bustled anymore; in fact you were glad you had moved there.

You didn't know if it was Black's impact that made you change, but one thing was for sure: As soon as you got home, you HAD to try that delicious Pecha Berry Soup!

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