Red x reader (just smile)

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"Come on (Y/n), stop being so slow," Blue said grabbing my hand and pulling me up Mount Silver.

I slightly whimpered in pain from her strong grip.

"But, Blue, I don't even know him," I say in a silent voice, "how am I supposed to like a guy that I haven't even met?"

Why we were climbing Mount Silver was that Blue wanted to introduce (which is her way of saying: set me up) me to her friend, Red.

"Come on how can you say that when you haven't even met him," declares Blue in her proudest voice.

"But, Blue, you are just going to embarrass me," I blush at the mention of Blue embarrassing me.

She has already done a hundred times, whether it is in front of her friends, strangers, and even my family. She talks about me like I'm her own daughter: commanding me, comforting me when I'm sad, and being stern with me. Blue has all the motherly qualities.

"I won't embarrass you this time, I swear," Blue promised hesitantly as if she planned to embarrass me already.

About another mile we started to see a red figure in the snow as long as yellow pokemon.

"There he is (y/n)," Blue says quickly, pointing her finger at the red figure,"that's Red!"

With that sentence Blue starts sprinting up the mountain dragging me behind her. After what seemed forever, we finally got up to the boy called Red.

"Red!" Blue yelled and took him in a bone crushing hug.

"Blue I think you should let go of him, his face is blue," I whisper and start tugging on her sleeve.

"Oh, ok," Blue giggles as she lets go of Red.

"Don't worry she is always like this," I say a little louder then I normally would to let Red hear. He gives me a look with his eyes that says:

'I know, it's Blue,'

I giggled at his face of misery. Blue looks at our 'secret language', smirks, and takes off running down the mountain at full speed.

"Blue!" I shout as loud as I can, "Blue wait,"

I look into Red's scarlet eyes, but he pulls his hat down ashamed. I tilted my head in confusion, why is he ashamed. I mean what has Red got to be shameful about: he has beautiful, crimson eyes, shiny black locks, and a handsome face. I mean seriously, but who could blame him, he has lived on this mountain for Acreus knows how long. Just then a blizzard started, oh what luck. Red gave me a look and stretched his hand out to mine in reference to take it.

'Come on, if we stay out here we will freeze to death'

I gladly took his offer, not a word to be said. He then led me to a mouth of a cave. I glanced at the cave in fear. He wants us to go in there. Red looked at me worriedly when I stopped walking. I guess my face showed fear because Red dragged me towards him and placed his arm around my slender figure. I looked at Red's face with my (e/c) orbs and saw his face was just as red as mine was. I then started walking with Red into the cave. To my surprise it was nice and cozy, furnished with a sleeping bag and a couple of pillows. I looked up at Red shivering. Damn, even with three layers I'm freezing, how is he not. He gestures me to the sleeping bag and grabs a blacket. I quickly take of my shoes and hop in the warm fluffiness of the sleeping bag. I feel a shift next to me. My (e/c) eyes met red ones.

"W-what a-are you doing?" My face flushes as I attempted to stay calm. I have never shared a sleeping bag with a boy before much less anything else. Hell, I haven't even had my first kiss yet.

"I'm cold too," he says in a deep, silky voice.

Holy crap, his voice is so sexy... wait what. My face flushes just as red as his eyes at that thought. He looks at me and I sniffle.

"Are you getting a fever?" he asks me.

Before I have time to reply he wraps his arm around me, dragging me into his warm chest. I soon melt into the hug.

"You know, I have never seen you smile," he says as he gazes at me.

"I have just never been one to smile," I say back,"but I have once in a while."

His face inches closer to mine,and he goes to my ear.

"Come on, just smile," Red whispers in my ear,"you know as a pretty girl like you I bet you have a wonderful smile. Why don't you just smile for me."

That sentence gives me shivers down my spine. I look into his deep red orbs.

"I have never smiled at my own will," I say trying to avoid smiling for him. As it is I was bullied at school so what do I have to smile about.

"Well then maybe I can change your mind~," Red answers while inching closer to my face.

What is he doing? Is he going to kiss me? Am I going to- My thoughts were fur off by Red's warm lips pushed on to mine. I widen my (e/c) eys in shock as Red grabs one of my (h/c) strands. My eyes soon flutter shut as I return the sweet kiss. I feel Red smile against my lips in glee. He then pulls back panting just as hard as I am. I feel my face flush:my first kiss given to him, Red.

"You know that I love you, right?" He asks me a simple question, however this question makes a toothy grin form on my face,"There it is, there's that smile," Red coos.

I give a loving smile at him.

"I love you too," I look at him.

"Go to sleep," Red says, "I'll wake you up when the blizzard is over. Then you can go home."

"But Red, I want to stay with you," I whine as my arms cling on the black haired boy.

"Okay," he states as he over us, "goodnight my sweet (y/n)~."

Red gives me a chaste kiss in the forehead, and I kiss him on the cheek.

"Goodnight Red, I love you," I gaze at Red lovingly.

"I love you too," Red then drapes his arms over me and I fall asleep.

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