Calem x reader

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You sat at Lumiose station, twiddling your thumbs. This was your last moment in the Kalos region.

You were moving to the Johto region. One of the gym leaders had dropped out of the league, and you were referred to as their replacement. You would fight challengers with (y/f/t)-type Pokemon. It was depressing to leave the place you were born and raised in, but the Johto region was full of many more opportunities for you.

It was also pretty depressing to leave behind Calem. He was your childhood friend, and supported you in everything. But this was the one thing you knew he wouldn't approve of.

You tried to tell him yesterday by asking him to meet you at Cafe Soleil. You talked with him for about two hours, and the cheery mood he was in kept your bad news caught in your mouth. And just as he was about to leave, you tried to tell him. But before you could, he took your hand in his own and kissed it. Calem referred to you as his girlfriend, and left with blush and a smile.

But he left you an emotional wreck.

"Feelings are dumb, feelings are dumb, feelings are dumb..." You muttered repeatedly under your breath with your gaze set low. Trying to push your feelings of Calem out of the way was the only way you would make it on the bus without crying.

You were so lost in the words you spoke, while getting nearer to the train you ran into someone.

"Feelings are what?" The stranger asked. Your gaze slowly returned upwards, until your (e/c) orbs hit a familiar face.

Calem. Just the person you needed to see when you felt like crying.

"It's nothing. I'm fine." You said with a forlorn smile plastered on your tear-streaked face.

"Whatever floats your boat." Calem said, obviously not taking the bait. "So, where are you headed?"

"I could ask the same about you." You countered, not wanting to go into details. Calem nuzzled his forehead to yours. "Listen, I really have to go." You tugged away from him, attempting to run toward your train. But Calem swiftly caught your forearm and tugged you even closer.

"(y/n), what's up? You aren't acting like you normally do. It was ever since the day at Cafe Soleil." His serious face turned dismal in a hurry. "Do you... not like me the way I like you?" You could see the hurt in his eyes. You wanted to tell him everything you thought of him, everything about where you were going.

But you knew you couldn't stay attached.

Even though becoming a gym leader was something you had always dreamed about, you wanted to stay with the Pokemon champion of Kalos. You wanted to stay with Calem forever.

But that dream of staying with Calem was instantly shattered by a loud voice over the speaker.

"Final call for the train departing for the Johto region."

Your (e/c) eyes looked up at him. "This is my stop." You said.

His eyes filled up with resentment. "You couldn't be... This can't be happening." Calem protested.

"I'm sorry Calem... I just didn't want to tell you because it would make it harder for me to leave... Looks like I foiled that plan." You chuckled sorrowfully.

Calem put his arm across your shoulders and escorted you the stations exit.

"Seriously Calem. I have to leave." You said with your head downcast.

"No, you don't have to leave. But you do have to stay with me." Calem smiled down at you. He brought your chin up with his fingers so you faced him.

He kissed you passionately in the middle of the crowds in Lumiose City, and you knew you realized then you never could possibly leave his side.

(I finally got the book I wanted and I am crying right now I am going to finish it tomorrow at school and wait for the second book. The book is pokemon x and y. Yay I finally have it I am so happy i am such a nerd but everyone can be one)

Pokemon boys x readerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora