Green x reader

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You sat on the couch with Green, flipping channels, unable to find something good to watch. Green snatched the remote from your hand and pressed the off button. You made your best pouty face at him.

"Hey Green! What was that for?" you complained. Green smirked at you.

"It's obvious that you weren't going to find something good to watch anytime soon, so I say we find something else useful to do," Green said.

"And what idea do you have that's better than mine?" you bantered. Green slid closer to you on the couch.

"Kiss me," he replied back, cocky grin still showing. You blushed like crazy.

You had always had a crush on Green. His looks were beat by nobody, and he was your best friend. But you wanted more than that, and hoped he did too. But that didn't change the fact Green absolutely loved to pick on you. He claimed your reactions were "cute," and then patted you on the head. That's what most of your conversations were like.

So naturally, when he tried to make a move on you after all of these years of teasing, you weren't going to let him take you that easy.

"Forget it," you said, trying to take the remote back into your grasp, but he held it over his head teasingly. You overextended your arm in an attempt to grab the remote, but fell on top of Green.

You froze and a blush crept up on your cheeks. Green chuckled and threw the remote behind him. It landed on the carpet with a rather large "thud."

You were about to leave Green to get the remote, but his hands grasped onto your waist and pulled you even closer to his body. You yelped in surprise.

"Green!" you said, struggling under his grip. "Let go of me!"

"Nope. Not happening, sunshine." Green held you under control effortlessly because of his muscle and strength.

And what you would give to see all of that muscle.

Knowing that you would not be able to leave Green's grasp any time soon, you gave in and rested your head on his chest.

"That's much better, (y/n)," Green cooed. Your hands clutched onto the cloth on his chest. Green ran his hands through your locks of hair.

"Do you really want to struggle any more?" Green asked flirtatiously.

"Don't press your luck," you hissed back, remembering that you still had to play the game of hard to get.

"Aww, why not?" Green said. "I think luck is something I have a lot of." He took your chin in his hand and tilted your face upwards.

Before you could object, Green's lips were on yours. He kissed you forcefully, passionately.

When he broke away, he dared to ask you another question. "Now do you love me, (y/n)?"

"Maybe," You taunted as you played with his light brown strands of hair.

Green leaned his head near your ear. You could feel his warm breath make its way to your earlobe.

Green whispered huskily. "What, (y/n)? Are you scared that if you take one more step, you'll fall for me?"

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