Wallace x reader

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Well I had fun making two parts. I thought Skittle_Kraft wanted this one show but then I realised she said for Wally x reader. So then I never published this one yet but I am going to do it now then I will make the other one and publish it in the middle of the night. If you have a different time to me it will probably be day time for you then lucky I love the night because I love sleeping.

I sighed, absentmindedly blowing my bangs out of my face as I checked the time on my pokegear. The display read 3:30 pm-- still an hour before the boat would arrive in Slateport City and take me to my next destination, Sootopolis City. My Swampert lay at my feet as I rested on a park bench near the port, tired from a long day's sightseeing. News stands sporting colorful streamers and signs crowded the walkways, merchants peddling their wares to unsuspecting tourists. Might as well grab something to look at for the next hour, I thought. I stood and stretched, searching around for the least shady-looking stand where I could purchase a magazine or something. Satisfied with my choice, I walked over to the salesman and his little shop.
Titles lined the cart: Pokemon Insider, Gym Leaders Monthly, Coordinators Weekly. I sighed. Nothing but cheap tabloids. But, they were each only a few dollars, so I picked up a random copy, dropped some change on the counter, and returned to my seat on the bench.
Alright, let's see what the Gym Leaders have been up to this month. The cover article was titled "Gym Leaders Revamped: A look at the new styles these elite trainers are sporting!" I rolled my eyes. As if this was hard-hitting news. So the gym leaders decided to change clothes for once, is this really newsworthy material? As I flipped through the pages, I recognized the seven I had already defeated, all sporting new, more modern outfits. But the last one... well, I'll be the first to admit I was not prepared for it. Wallace, the blue-haired coordinator and eighth gym leader of Hoenn, my next opponent before I would be able to challenge the elite four, was widely recognized for his stunning water types and his long, white cloak. However, with the recent change in attire, Wallace had abandoned that cloak for... well, quite the interesting outfit. I blushed as the picture stood out on the page, full color, nothing to hide: Wallace in a skin-tight half-shirt, his lower half only barely covered by a white, wet-suit-like material. He wore the same hat as before, but he added a flamboyant rainbow scarf. Most of his midriff was bare, and a part of me wondered how he could possibly be wearing underwear in that get-up. My face burning fiercely, I closed the magazine and set it down, although Wallace's sultry gaze still taunted the back of my mind. I took a few breaths, calming myself from the unexpected surprise.
A small giggle escaped my lips, and Swampert looked at me curiously. I waved him off, and he went back to sleep, but I was inwardly laughing. Leave it to Wallace to choose an outfit that would shock the general populace, I thought. He was really quite the showman. And... well, it wasn't that the outfit didn't look good on him... quite the opposite really. Wallace really knew how to be sexy.
I shook my head to clear my thoughts, and a foghorn sounded nearby. "Looks like the boat's finally arrived!" I said to Swampert. He stood and stretched his hind legs, then followed me as I made my way up to the gangplank, magazine stashed in my backpack.

Tossing my bag to the side, I leapt onto the soft bed in my room on the ship. Sootopolis was a few days away by ship, as the boat had to pass all the way around Mossdeep to avoid shallow waters and Wailord breeding grounds. But hey, it was either this or diving, and I didn't own any scuba gear.
The cruise was quite comfortable, despite my slight seasickness, and I spent a lot of time on the main deck, enjoying the sunlight with my pokemon. And hey, I might have taken a few peeks at my magazine, but I really only read the part about Wallace's battles... honest! I mean, a girl has to be prepared, right?
Soon, to both my disappointment and my excitement, the two-day trip was over. We disembarked at a port that seemed to lead to nowhere, as white granite cliffs rose up above us over a hundred feet. As we hopped off the boat, however, I could see that there was a hole, a man-made cave in the side of the walls that would lead us straight into the heart of Sootopolis. I slung my backpack over my shoulder and walked down the pier toward my last gym battle.

As I walked into the whitewashed city, I felt someone tap my shoulder. "'Scuse me darling, but I think you dropped this," came a voice sweet as honey from behind me.
I turned around, already starting to utter a 'thank you,' when I realized that the gentleman who had stopped me was none other than the Sootopolis Gym Leader himself. I felt my face flush as I realized what I had dropped: the Gym Leaders Monthly copy I had picked up in Slateport. Then, I blushed even deeper as I realized that Wallace was wearing the same thing he wore in that photoshoot in the magazine. I gulped and forced myself to look at his face. Only his face. He was smiling sweetly, long eyelashes dusting the tops of his cheeks as he blinked.
"Th-thank you," I stuttered as I accepted the magazine from him.
He winked, and my stomach did somersaults. "Not a problem, miss. By the way... not to be intrusive, but that magazine had fallen open to the page on my battle techniques, which you had written by. Does that mean that you're a trainer?"
I was sure my face was cherry red, as I was hoping he hadn't seen that I had drawn little hearts next to some of his pictures...
"Y-yes, I'm a trainer." I recovered. "This is my last stop before I can head to Ever Grande City, and challenge the elite four and champion."
Wallace laughed. "I can feel such fighting spirit from you! It takes a lot of skill to earn seven badges. I can hardly wait to face you in battle! Although," His gaze turned sultry. "I hope you realize this won't be an easy fight."
Wallace had quite the reputation for his flirtatious nature, but seeing his flirty gaze in person made my skin tingle. But two could play at that game. "No," I said. "I guess it won't. But you'd be mistaken if you think that it will be easy to defeat me." I cocked an eyebrow at him. "I didn't come all this way for nothing, now, did I?"
Our eyes locked as we tried to size each other up. I would not let Wallace's looks distract me from this battle. I simply couldn't afford to lose, not when I'd come this far.
"The determination in your eyes tells me that this will be a most interesting battle." Wallace finally spoke, his tone still heavily flirtatious. "I'll be at my gym, waiting." And with a wink that sent a shiver down my spine, he spun on his heel and walked off toward the gym.
Phew. Now that was intense. I hurriedly shoved the magazine back into my backpack, catching a glimpse of the page that had been lying open. Wallace had signed it upon picking it up, leaving a heart and a winky face near where I had written "HOTTIE" by his picture. My face burned. I am a complete and total idiot, I thought.

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