N x reader

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This was requested by Wolfstar13601 I hope you like it

N was laying peacefully under a shady tree, he was quiet beside his soft purrs that escaped his throat, which were caused by you while caressing his green locks.
His cap was lying beside him while head was resting on your lap softly as you ran your finger through his soft as silk, light green hair.
It was so long and not damaged, it made you wonder how he managed to keep it so good and healthy.
Putting this thought aside, you smiled lovingly at the sight of N.
It had been a while since you two had such a peaceful moment because of Team Plasma and all that jazz.
Your strokes started to slow down as your mind and eyes drifted off into the woods until they finally stopped.
N slowly opened his blue eyes and the first thing he saw was your face, which showed that you were deep in thoughts.

"Why did you stop?"

Snapping out of your daydream, you looked back to the young adult and saw his usual smile as he reached up with his left hand to brush his fingertips over your right cheek.
You smiled at him and closed your eyes as you concentrated your mind only on his touch.

"I was just thinking about something, sorry."

After those words were spoken, you started to brush your fingers through his long, green hair once again.
N let his eyes fall close again and the back of his fingers stroke down the cheekbone to your jawline until it finally fell down back onto his chest to grab your hand, which had been resting on his torso.

"About what?"

His voice was so soft, it made you feel comfortable to be around him and underlined his personality perfectly; caring and loving.
The blue eyed male gave a relaxed sigh as he felt how your fingertips started to massage his head's skin.
He always had this stress with Team Plasma, so you tried to make this moment nice and relaxing.
N gripped softly onto your hand, his thumb caressed the back of yours.

"Just about everything, don't worry."

The young male opened his deep blue eyes again and gazed into your glittering once; you two shared a smile.
He directed your hand to his lips and planted a small kiss on it.
It was surprising how he was acting towards you since he was not all comfortable around other human beings.
But he was happy that he was able to act like a normal person towards you.
Well, more or less.
He always had had this strange feelings in his chest and stomach when you had been around him, he had thought that he had been sick. But after others told him that he was in love, he began to think about it.
After a while N had gotten used to the weird feeling every time he was around you and started to be more open with you.
And, well, here you were; sharing one of those touchy and sweet moments with each other.

"You can tell me everything."

You gave a sigh and smiled at him widely.
You knew that he would keep pestering you in his own and barely noticeable way.
He just wanted you to have no worries; such a caring boyfriend was he.

"I was just thinking about that you barely have time to relax and that we rarely have moments like this."

His smile slightly lost its happiness as he closed his eyes and planted another kiss on your knuckle.
N's other hand slowly crept up to your neck, sneaked silently to the back of it and drew circles on your skin.
Shuddering under his touch, heat rose up to your cheeks as you felt how he slowly tugged your head down to his.
The male's lips pressed a gentle kiss on your left cheek, then on your nose.
Hot breath hit your already - not literally - burning skin and your eyes met.
With a smooth motion, N pressed his lips onto yours by pulling you more down and meeting you half way.
Smiling into the kiss, you moved your lips against his and felt how his lips also curled up into a smile.
The sweet kiss lasted a little bit longer before you two pulled away.
N gave the tip of your nose a kiss and smiled at your flushed face as he spoke with also rosy cheeks:

"Then let's cherish this moment."

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