"I don't fucking know!" Givenchy yelled getting the attention of everyone in the hospital.  He was already mad and confused and didn't know how to react to any of this and he did not have time for Shai's shit. Shai jumped out of her seat but was abruptly snatched right back down on to Josh's lap.

"Go calm down and the come back and sit your ass down right here and don't move, let me handle it" Josh whispered harshly in her ear. He kissed her cheek and let her up and she walked out of the hospital and went to go sit in the car. Josh and Givenchy had walked off to the cafeteria to talk about what just went down.

This left only Shayla, Deonte, Cheyanne and Lyn. The all looked at each other all afraid to speak at all. "So what if she has this baby? We already have so much going on already." Cheyanne said with her head in the face of her palms.

"We just going to have to step up as family and help her. You know her mom really can't and who know what the fuck is in Givenchy's head" Lyn said shrugging her shoulders. She was liking the idea of having a baby to spoil and love.

"You right this doesn't have to be a bad thing. Let's just hope the baby makes it though. I think that would be a lot on her" Deonte said nodding his head in agreement. Shai then walked back into the hospital walking with her mother.

"Hey my babies how y'all feeling?" Mama Nica asked everyone and they all tried to give her their best smiles.

"We good ma, how's Big E?" Deonte said referring to Mama Nica's husband who had just woken up earlier today. Mama smiled and nodded her head.

"He doing alright. Since he's awake though we have to move a little faster so Lyn your parents will be here midnight tonight. Anyways I'm going to go see Monica and make sure she's alright. Y'all let me know if y'all need something." She said before walking off and Shai sat down in her seat scanning the room looking for Josh. Cheyanne noticed though.

"He went to go to talk to Givenchy calm down crazy." She said giggling and causing Shai to laugh a little bit too. "Good you laughing cause you cannot just be going off on people. I know Givenchy made you mad but I do not want to be fighting with our friends. We have to hold each other down because no one else will."  Cheyanne explained to her and she nodded.

"This isn't the first time me and Givenchy didn't get along. He just does dumb shit and as his friend I'm not going to let him think he's right for doing it." Shai responded. She was more calmed than earlier and relaxed. A doctor walked from behind two big double doors that sectioned off the back of the hospital where Monica was.

"Relatives of Monica Malotti" The doctor called and they all got up and met her. Shai rubbed her sweaty palms, Shayla swiped a stray tear from her eyes and gripped Deonte's hand and Lyn and Cheyanne casually walked together with linking arms. "Monica is stable for now. She did a lot of damage to her body and to the little one inside. We want to keep her for a few more hours. We pumped her stomach and I believe we got all of the toxics out of it but we most definitely got most. The baby is also stable and is healthy. She's awake and asking for all of you. I am not supposed to let you all back there at the same time but I'm going to let you all go ahead just try not to make a lot of noise." The doctor said nodding.

"Thank you so much" Shai said breathing a breath of relief.

"Thank God" Shayla said letting tears flow freely from her eyes. Josh and Givenchy had walked up and made their presence known. Josh came and wrapped his arms around Shai's waist and asked what the doctor had just said.

"What happened? Is everything alright?" Givenchy asked slowly while looking at the doctor.

"I've just explained to them that everything is fine. Are you the father?"  Givenchy nodded answering the doctor's question. They all started to follow the doctor towards the back to Monica's room. The rode the elevator up three floors and was right at her room after stepping off. The doctor left after showing them the room.

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