"Sorry, but I need to speak to you." She demanded, getting into business.

"Alright, what is it?" Louis asked, annoyed.

"Well...err.." she tried to remember what she wanted to say. Placing a index finger on her chin and staring to space before getting it. "Why are you so gloomy all of a sudden?"

This question worried Louis. "OH CRAP! I can't tell her about the elements! What do I say??!!" He struggled to find an excuse.

"It's.......my car...it's......" Louis babbled. Rachel leaned forward in curiosity.

"You went racing right?" She asked with an unsurprised expression.

"Ya, I kinda did......" Louis scratched his head. The blonde rolled her eyes.

"Oh come on, you can tell me. I also went to race when I first got my S30." She told Louis. "You what? Popped a tyre? Steer into a wall? Or did you thought the clutch pedal was the brakes?"

Finally, Louis spilled the beans.

"Alright, I crashed my car at my first race!" He admitted. However, he felt more relieved to tell someone about his problem.

"Wow, really? Is your car badly damaged?" She asked, concerned.

"Yeah, it collided with the guardrail that smashed the suspension. My friends tried to help but replacing the suspension cost a lot." Louis explained and sighed. "It's impossible I'll be able to earn that much money."

"And have you tried asking Mr. Kenner?" Rachel referred to the mechanic. Louis instantly slapped his forehead.

"Mr. Kenner! How could I forget about him!" He realized.

"We gotta go there now!" He demanded and started to run.

"I'll meet you at his garage," Louis yelled before running to his house.

"Err....okay," Rachel grunted behind. "And that's why you should have told me silly." She said to herself.
(An hour later...)

Rachel had already arrived when Louis came. He had to drive Mercy slowly because of the damaged suspension. He also told the Mercedes not to speak when being inspected. Then Louis parked his car inside the garage. He greeted Mr. Kenner and then the man went to work.

"So the suspensions are damaged," said Mr. Kenner as he examines the front right side of the dented body panel.

"Can it be fixed?" Louis asked anxiously.

Mr. Kenner examines the car to bottom again. Then he finally came with a conclusion.

"Well, the problem isn't bad and that it can be fixed....." Mr. Kenner paused as Louis waited for him to continue his sentence.

"But, as you can see my stock is very low now and I don't have any extra parts." Mr. Kenner chuckles nervously while Louis gives an annoyed expression.

"I'm sorry Louis, I really like to help you but the next shipments of parts is next week," Mr. Kenner explained "Say, why not you wait till next week for the repair huh? I'll even install it for you free of charge!"

Louis nodded miserably. "Okay, thanks anyway." He thanked the mechanic in a boring, sad tune and left.

Mr. Kenner looked at his new employee in the distance calling a cab. "I know how you would feel Louis. Damaging your new car is heartbreaking."

"But never have I seen someone so depressed by their mistake like that. Almost as if he treated this car as a friend, like a living person."

"And he blamed all the fault to himself. For injuring it."
(The next day...)

The Elemental Drifters: First Stage (2017 Edition)Where stories live. Discover now