I waited for him to wake up but he didn't. Judging from his calm breathing he was rapidly falling in deep state of slumber again, and as much as I hated to wake him up after he had stayed up so late playing the guitar for me, and as much as I loved watching him sleep, I had to wake him up.

He looked so peaceful and cute while sleeping that even the cuteness of Valerie, the most angelic girl in the world seemed to dull in comparison.

I mentally face-palmed myself for thinking that, but hey I couldn't lie. What was true, was true. No matter what.

"I never knew you found me so peaceful and cute while sleeping."

My eyes shot up to meet Dylan's who was now smirking at me. Look at this guy, smirking and that too the first thing in the morning!

"Please don't tell me I said that out loud?" I groaned and Dylan laughed.

"I'm afraid, you did." He said still smiling as we both sat up.

"Awwh no." I groaned hiding my face in his shoulder and that caused Dylan to laugh even more.

"Aww, aren't you cute?" Dylan teased in a fake girly voice.

I smacked him on the shoulder as hard as I could but obviously in vain.

"Come on. Don't be embarrassed. " He said in a sing-song voice.

"It's not funny." I mumbled, hitting his shoulder again.

"It is a little, admit it." He chuckled.

"It's not." I glared at him playfully.

"It is." He grinned.

I couldn't help but smile too.

"Okay yes, a little." I admitted, looking away shyly.

"Someone's being shy." Dylan smirked.

"Shut up." I mumbled, as a heated blush rose to my cheeks.

I noticed the change in Dylan's eyes. A moment ago he was all playful but now his gaze was much more intense. The change was subtle but I knew it was there.

I felt butterflies explode in my belly. I looked at Dylan surprised and shocked at the new feeling. I had read about it but always thought of it as a stupid girly feeling. But now, actually experiencing the feeling was extraordinary. I was speechless and had absolutely no words to explain how I felt.

Then all of a sudden, Dylan swooped down and quickly placed a swift kiss on my cheek, before standing up to pick up the blanket and his guitar. I stiffened but the stiffness dissappeared as soon as it came. And with the stiffness dissappeared the feeling of his lips against my cheek.

It felt as if my skin was set on fire. I reddened as I looked up at Dylan who seemed as shocked as I was. I looked at him wide-eyed and speechless.

"Did you just..." I began finally, breaking the electrified silence but I never got the opportunity to complete my sentence as Dylan quickly grabbed my hand and pulled me up.

"I think we should go." He said quietly as we climbed down to his balcony.

"Y-yeah. " I nodded.

I couldn't bear to see regret in his eyes so I avoided his gaze and before he could say anything about that kiss being a mistake or a spur of the moment thing, I rushed to my room. Closing the door, I knelt on my knees as a surprised gasp escaped my lips.


After some time my gaze fell on the clock. It was 2 in the afternoon. There was no point in thinking about college. I had already missed today's classes and they ought to be getting over by now anyway.

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