12 ; valleygirls

123 7 26

disclaimer ; smut warning at the end, if uncomfortable skip.


dan felt a sudden hollowness within him, making him shudder. he didn't want to deal with this stress, he couldn't handle all of it.

it was late, the gelid wind carelessly made his curls dance in the night.

sitting on the end of a cerulean slide, he swiftly took out a cigarette. placing it between his chapped, pale lips, he tried to light his lighter.

it wasn't doing anything, he tried to shake it a bit, he was getting impatient.

"fucking hell" dan muttered fiercely, while throwing the lighter on the ground. he carefully put the cigarette back and put his head in his hands sighing.

"um, dan?" a familiar voice whispered, making him shoot up his head in fright.

phil lester was standing in front of him, his dusky hair was wild in the sharp wind.

"what do you want?" dan asked in a quiet, yet irritated voice.

phil sat beside him carefully, not taking his royal blue eyes off of dan.

"i want to know what's wrong. also, when did you start smoking?" phil asked in a stern voice. dan huffed angrily, glaring at phil.

"what does it matter to you?"

phil sighed, laying down on the slide. the ashen sky was covered with clouds, making him frown a little. dan copied phil's movement and laid down beside him.

"just because we're not friends anymore, doesn't mean i don't care about you any less." phil said, his eyes closed shut.

"ya, okay." dan said in a small voice,  he wanted to believe that phil still cared. he was to overwhelmed at the moment to continue the conversation, so he swiftly stood up. phil opened his eyes quickly at the sudden action.

"where are you going?" phil asked, also standing up.

"home." dan said in a exasperation tone.

dan went to leave, phil hastily grabbed his hand to pull him back.


he was cut off by phils lips on his, they we're gentle against his.

it was a slow, tender kiss. it showed care and intimacy, dan needed this. he needed a show of affection, it lifted all of the dreadful feelings he was feeling.

they pulled apart, dan was out of words. he let out of a breath he didn't know he was keeping in.

phil carefully places his hands on dans puce cheeks. both of their eyes twinkling in the street lights reflection.

"you're to exquisite dan, i can't let you get away from me again." phil whispered in a frail voice.

"i'm sorry" phil said in a crumpled voice, a mosaic of mixed emotions swirled the atmosphere.

"i forgive you" dan said, staring into the abyss of phils eyes, he broke out in a smile.

phil pulled him into a gentle hug, loving the feeling on dans curly chestnut hair against his cheek.

"you should come back to mine, we're both wrecks right now. i know you could use some company." phil said with a slight heartbroken smirk.

"i'd love that"


the walk back was filled with tension, even a slight breath would break.

when they finally got to phils house, all cars we're gone.

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