13 ; ain't lookin' for love.

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dan was cuddled up against phil in the morning, the two hadn't woken up until eight forty-eight.

they both knew they were going to be late but didn't care, and decided to have a steamy shower together.

the shower sprayed against dans tan skin, water droplets rolling down his chest as phil helped keep dan up- as his ass was still very soar from last nights occurrence.

phil had barely talked to dan in the morning, when they had woken phil told them they needed to get ready and be at school before twelve since he had a football game.

and phil, could not miss it since he was the captain of his team.

dan simply nodded at his statement and agreed that they should get ready.

when they had both finished showering and gotten dried off and dressed, they ate a quick breakfast before heading out.

by the time they made it to school, it was eleven thirty and phil rushed to the changing rooms to get ready.

dan was left on his own and walked down the hallways, as it was break and everyone was out except for the cheerleaders and football players since they were practicing.

dan was walking up and down the halls bored out of his mind since he couldn't tell anyone about what he did the night before.

a lot of people were giving him odd looks in the halls as he walked, dan just ignored them because they probably heard about him storming out of class.

that was until, he passed chris in the halls and it looked like chris' eyes popped out once he saw dan.

chris quickly followed dan, quietly behind. dan rolled his eyes at the gesture and continued walking like nothing happened.

"hey, uh- dan?" chris spoke up, dan ignores him and walked faster.

"dan." chris spoke again. making dan stop and turn around.

"yes?" dan spat, chris just eyed his neck down.

"uh- well." he said, gulping at how angry dan had so fast.

"just spit it out all ready." dan mumbled, crossing his arms giving chris a glare.

"you have like a hundred hickeys on your neck." chris blurted out as quickly as he could.

dans eyes widened, remembering the scenes of last night how phil had given him love bites and hickeys sending shivers down his spine from the thought.

"oh shit." dan whispered to himself, pushing chris out of the way running to the nearest mens washroom.

when he arrived he looked in the mirror, and examined the layers on layers of hickeys and love bites he had from phil.

no wonder why people looked at dan strangely, probably everyone knew he had sex the night before.

dan huffed, groaning in frustration since he had no makeup to cover it up.

the final bell for break ended and everyone was called to the outer field, it was football season and these were one of the first games of the season.

dan, sat on the first row of the bleachers. he didn't know why- maybe it was because he could watch phil?

dan didn't really know but no teachers were near his bleachers and some kids were smoking so he brought out his own smokes and started to smoke.

dan didn't know why he did it, he wasn'teven stressed then. maybe it was a habit.

a whistle was blown and the game had started, people were cheering for there team- more like screaming.

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