" yours, best friend. I'm just looking out for your best interest because you're going to kill him and then be all sad because there's nobody to fuck you. I mean, I'm just saying."

She laughed. " anyway, in the bottom right hand drawer of the desk there's a blue bag that the money goes in. Make sure to lock it back up. On Friday night after closing, I'll come pick it up and take it to the bank."

" you sure? Won't you be tired?" I asked. By this time I had already unlocked the register and counted out all the money. I had all the extra money gripped in my hand on the way back to the office.

" I'll be fine, Lex. Can you do me a favor?"

" what is it?"

"pick Drayal up from your mother's house tomorrow night."

" I thought she was going to stay over there until you get out the hospital in a couple days?"

Symonee sucked her teeth. " she was supposed to, but my mother called me like an hour ago. Apparently she's coming to town and wants to see both of my kids. She was so fucking dramatic on the phone, like always."

" that's weird."

" yeah, I know. She's never seen them or even visited me in the three years since I've moved here but now all of a sudden-" She sighed. " if you could just pick Drayal up and then come up here once you get off work tomorrow, I would appreciate it."

" no problem."

We said out goodbyes and hung up. All I could think about was Symonee's mother. I'd never met the woman or ever even spoken to her, but from what Symonee told me, I wouldn't want to. She'd hadn't visited Symonee once in the almost four years since Symonee had moved ... I wondered what prompted this spur of the moment visit.

My day continued, with me mostly trying to get the hang of a few new things that I'd never had to do. There were some things, however that didnt changed with the new job title, like the fact that i had to damn near tackle a woman in the doorway who thought that a pair of jeans belonged to her without paying. The bitch! And to top it all off, she had the nerve to talk to me like i was the one stealing.

I kindly ripped my merchandise from her hands and pushed her out into the cold.

Around 5, I got a call from Teddy. Teddy was the man who brought in our new merchandise once every three or four days. Needless to say, he was a thief- and a good one at that. That didn't bother me any though. He and Tyrone had an agreement that they had worked out where Tyrone paid top dollar for stolen high end clothing, and Teddy always came through.

Teddy arrived at 6, on the dot. The back of his truck was covered with a blue tarp, and when lifted, I saw boxes and boxes of stuff.

" how many boxes?" I asked, throwing the tarp further back and inspected the brown box infront of me.

" twenty-six."

" just twenty-six?"

" yeah. There was a little trouble at my warehouse and some shit got blood on it. I already spoke to Tyrone about it. He told me to add it to the next shipment."

I wasn't even about to ask why some of our product got blood on it. It really was none of my damn business. If he'd spoken to Tyrone about it and had been cleared then it was fine, and if he hadn't really spoken to Tyrone about it... then he'd be dealt with soon enough anyway, which also was none of my business.

" okay."

We started to carry boxes in, that's when the question I'd been dreading came. " so, what did you do to my brother?"

Book 2 [ The Untitled Series ]Where stories live. Discover now