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*Listen to music while reading*

Jangmi's POV

"What are you doing?"

Taehyung was pulling a suitcase down the stairs.

"I'm moving out," Taehyung answered. "The house I bought finally set up all my furniture."

"WHAT?!" I shouted, covering my mouth right after.

"You heard me."

Taehyung walked past me, leaving me speechless. I took a few seconds to return to my state of mind as I ran towards him like a maniac.

Taehyung shut the door in my face, leaving me looking out of the window, at his back as he walked down the stairs.

What the fudge just happened?


Unknown POV(mwahaha Ψ( ̄∀ ̄)Ψ)

I should wait until he leaves and is out of sight...

I watched him get into the taxi and drive away.

"When should we start, ( )?"

"When I give the signal."


Taehyung's POV

"Here's the key."

I took the key from the landlord as I walked up the stairs in the front yard.

This is bigger than Jangmi's house...woah...lucky it was on sale...

I opened the door and saw all my furniture laid out perfectly. I took a deep breath in the air.

The smell of a new house is the best.

As I dragged my suitcase into my new room, I took out my phone and checked the notifications.

3 new followers on Twitter. 15 new messages. 13 missed calls.

I checked who the missed calls were from, when an unknown number popped up on my phone. It was calling me.

010-***-****? Who's that?

I pressed 'pick up.'


"Taehyung! It's me, Jangmi!"

Jangmi? Why was she calling me? How did she get my number? Only a few hours had passed since I left her house...

"Jangmi? How did you get my phone number?"

I heard static at the end of her call, then heard her voice again.

"I got your number from Seulgi. But that's not the point! I left the house to go to the food market for a while, that's where I saw Seulgi. We were talking about some things and then she gave me your phone number as a mistake instead of hers, I guess. When I came home, I saw men dressed in black outfits breaking my windows and setting fire to the bushes. I'm hiding behind a tree right now...I think if I walk away they'll see me...They're going into my house now...I hear glass breaking...Oh no Taehyung, what about Sara?! Oh my god, WHAT DO WE DO?"

Jangmi's voice was cracking, like she was about to cry.

"Jangmi, don't worry. I'll be there in a second. Don't make a noise and keep hiding either until they're gone or I'm here, do you hear me?"


'010-***-****' has ended the call'


Jangmi's POV

I felt my chest shake as my heart rate was increasing.

It's okay...Sara will be okay...

I heard a scream.

After a few minutes, I saw smoke at the front door as two of the black-outfitted men came out with a big bag, hurling it down the stairs until it stopped in front of me.

The bag was open.

I opened the zippers wider.

There was a person inside.

I moved the person's hair out of its face.

It was...



Taehyung's POV

I parked my car just before Jangmi's house. The attackers could still be there.

I ran towards the scene, and saw that her house was marauded. Glass was everywhere, and all the plants in the front yard had been burned down.

Then I saw Jangmi.

She was crouched down, in front of something. Was she crying?


I saw Jangmi turn her head.


Jangmi ran towards me, almost making me fall down as she put her arms around me.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

Jangmi didn't answer. I felt her breath as she sobbed into my chest.


Jangmi pointed towards a black bag. The zipper was wide open.

I walked towards the bag as I saw Sara's head covered with blood and her face covered with ash.

I looked in horror at Sara, dead.

"She's dead...SHE'S DEAD!"

Jangmi hit my chest with her fists.


I let her hit me as I wrapped my arms around her, placing my hand on the back of her head.

"No...it's my fault...I shouldn't have gone to the market...I shouldn't have been so careless...Sara was just a poor girl...she doesn't deserve this..." Jangmi spoke a word with every breath as I felt the vibration of her voice.

"What did she do to deserve this? What am I going to do without her?"

Her crying sounded like breaking china plates as she held me tight.


I handed Jangmi a raspberry lemonade. She glanced at me, then took it, sniffing.

"How close were you with Sara?" I asked.

Jangmi sighed.

"She and I were like sisters. Whenever I had a problem, she was there for me. When I cried, she cried. When I laughed, she laughed. When I was pissed, she was pissed with me."

I nodded. Jangmi drank her lemonade as we sat on the in front of the corner store in silence.

"...Thanks for coming after I called," I heard Jangmi say.

"You're welcome," I replied. "But where are you gonna stay now?"

Jangmi shrugged and took another sip from her lemonade.

"I would have called my relatives...but I don't have their phone numbers. I don't know...I'll figure something out," Jangmi replied.

I got an idea in my head. I turned my head, looking at Jangmi.

"Do you...do you want to stay at my place?"


I know what you guys are thinking...lol

Sorry if there was any grammatical, storyline, POV, errors!

See you in the next update... - Rosie^^

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