Home Sweet Home

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Sorry for the lack of updating. I've been super busy! But here is the next chapter. Just letting you know, that this chapter is horrific. I guess. There isn't detail. It's not like gross in any sexual way. just well.. you'll find out. Please vote, comment and message me. I want to know if people actually read my fanics. 

Hope you enjoy! Bye my lovies!




“Welcome home love!” Ella still wobbly on her feet stepped on the tile floor and taking in the house that she left. “How long has it been Lou?” “A month.” That sounded weird, she’s been in the hospital for a month. Strange. “I’m really tired, I’m going to bed.” Ella has been.. Well to be honest, in denial. She doesn’t want to believe that she lost a baby. I’m not a woman, but it pains me to see her like this. I wanted to say something, but I just don’t know how. You know how your always that one friend who cares about people, asking them what’s wrong? But when they tell you, you just don’t know what to say? That’s this current situation. Because right now, I don’t thik everything is going to be okay. I’m just hoping and praying that everything will be alright.


Ella hasn’t been her normal perky self, I know that the doctor said she’ll be in a confused state for awhile, but it just hurts us to see her in pain. We’ve known Ella for ten good months, so we know when she’s in pain. But this pain, is hard to heal.

-Two Months After Returning Home-


“Hey Ella!” Louis came trotting into the room, all happy and normal, “So we have an interview-“ “I know.” I simply said smiling at him. “I’ll be fine! Don’t worry! It’s been two months.” Louis came over and sat on the bed, “I’m only a phone call away.” He kissed my temple and skidded out the door.

Yeah been two fucking months since I found out I lost our baby. It was really hard, the doctor told me I’d be in a fragile state for awhile, who knew that would last a whole month. I was miserable. The boys tried to cheer me up, but nothing really seemed right. “Hello Ella! Louis told me you were here-“ It was Danielle, “Hey Danielle! Did he call you so he could babysit me?” We both laughed, “Well not exactly. I just, I haven’t seen you since you came home. I have the night off, Liam and I were gonna go to dinner, but he forgot about the interview. HA! So what do you say we go out?” I looked at my current attire, I looked like shit. “Um. How about no.” I smirked, “Yes. Oh come on! Just put on some make-up and you’ll be fine!” Danielle insisted. Erh. “Fine! But we need to be home soon! Before they show up.” I lifted myself off the bed heading toward the closet, “They won’t be home for a few hours, they are going to dinner with Simon after.” Humph.

I slipped on a pencil skirt and crop top with some boots, I didn’t even bother doing my make up. “Ready?” I met Danielle out in the corridor as she smiled at me. “You look nice mrs.idon’twannagoout!” She chuckled. “Shut it! Now let’s go before I regret it!” I hit her playfully as we hooked arms and walked out.


“Out with Danielle! See you back at home! Ella xx” I looked at my phone and smiled and set it back in my pocket!


Well let’s just say we were already drunk, well I was at least. Kinda. Maybe on the virge of drunk. I couldn’t find Danielle. Anywhere. “DANNNIIIIEEELLLEEEE!” I shouted over the large bass music. I couldn’t see her. She’s tall, why can’t I find her. I stepped outside to see if she went to get fresh air, nope no one. I tried to call her, nope. Dead phone. Shit. I started to head back in when someone grabbed me, “Ello gorgeoousss!” He was clearly drunk. “Hello..” I tried to get away, but he grabbed me tighter. He looks kind of familiar… He started dragging me over to a dark ally. RUN ELLA! I couldn’t move. “Umm. I need to get back, my friend’s expecting me..” The man came closer to me, “No you don’t your gonna stick with me Ella.” OH FUCK! I gulped, “How do you know my name?” His breath, full of alcohol lingered on my lips, I gagged, “How do you know my name!” I spat taking a step forward, he grabbed my waist pushing me against the wall. “Didn’t daddy tell you!? That you had a brother. Remember me Ella?”


“Ella you need to run! Get away from here!” Mom shouted, my older brother called from behind me, holding me there, I couldn’t move. “Ella leave! You’re going to get hurt! ELLA LISTEN TO ME!” I still couldn’t move. I felt like I was stuck. Something was holding me back, I looked behind me, Scott running towards me. “ELLA NOW!”Mom, shouted, before I knew it, Mason took the knife to my mom’s throat, while Scott grabed her. I screamed, “SHUT UP ELLA!” Mason walked over to me, covering my mouth. I bit him hard. He slapped me! “FUCK ELLA!” I kicked where it hurt, he cut my back with same knife he used to kill my mom. I ran. Ran as fast I could, to get away from Mason. My step brother.

“Mason?” I asked, he nodded, his lips closer to mine. Before I could say anything his lips crashed into mine. UM WTF! He grabbed me tighter as I was stuck between him and the ally wall. I couldn’t move. This was so uncomfortable, nothing like kissing Louis. No. This was disgusting. I tried to move, his hands traveled up and down the sides of my body. No. His fingers grazing against my hem of the skirt. NO! I closed my eyes. I wanted to scream. I had to. “LET GO OF ME!” I shouted trying to move, “You’re just like you were as a little girl. Weak.” Mason’s voice was cold and harsh as he grazed my neck. EWWW! I heard him unzip his… OH FUCK! He steadied himself. This is rape. I screamed! “MASON-!” But I felt something sharp go into my side. I tried to scream, but no words. Mason backed away slowly. Before running off. I slid down the wall looking at myself. Blood. 


It wasn't that bad was it? Oh know Ella. The past is scaring her. 

What do you think? What should happen? 

Vote, Comment, Message me! :D 

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