For the Death of Me

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This Chapter is suspenseful, just letting you know! Hope you like it! :D Vote and Comment! 

Maddie <3


I shuffled out of bed and opened the door slowly to see if anyone was awake, it was now nearing eleven. I walked into the kitchen, with a note on the counter; At an interview, left early. Be back round noon. The boys xx Uh. So I’m in this gigantic mansion alone. SCARY. Well I guess you could look around. I walked down the endless hallways ending up getting lost between part A and part B of the house. How big does a house have to be with five boys? Right. They’re a boyband. I ended up in a gigantic music room with a soundbooth. Me being all weird and curious started playing someone’s guitar, insisting it’s Nialls. I started strumming along getting lost in the tune. “And if we had a minute why don’t we go. Talk about it somehwere only we know, this could be the end of everything, so why don’t we go, somewhere only we know.” “ELLA!?” I jumped. I set the guitar down and swiftly made my way out into the grand entrance where I was welcomed into five hugs. “Er. Can’t breathe!” “Sorry!” They all stated stepping back. “You left me.” I stated shyly, “You were sleeping. You were out cold!” Louis patted my shoulder and walked toward the kitchen. “Well I should be getting going now. Thanks for last night!” I said my goodbyes and grabbed my board and headed back home.

There was a bit of me stating that I really liked the fact being with the boys was fun, but it always brought me back to the past with Scott. This fact scared me. Could being with five boys be worse? But they wouldn’t hurt me. I curled in my bed hugging my duvet drowning in the thoughts of this. I ended up falling asleep then waking up to a big bang on the door. “ELLA!” I knew that voice from anywhere, how the hell did he find me? “Ella open this door this instant!” I walked out of my room and peeped through the hole. Scott. I tried not to cry, I tried not to scream. I ran to my bedroom locking the door behind me. ‘Ella it’s okay. Don’t open the door. Just stay here. Call Louis.’ I heard a thud, the steps were getting closer. “Ella I know you’re in there. Come out please! Daddy needs to talk to you.” Scott’s voice was getting closer, louder. I reached for my phone, my fingers trembling dialing. Should I call 911 first or Louis. Louis!!! HELP! I hit send. I waited for what felt like the longest minute ever, Ella! Nice to hear from you. What’s up?x I had to call him, but I couldn’t make any noise. Louis you need to call 911. I need help! I can’t call you Scott is outside my bedroom door. Please just help me!  I hit send and hid under my bed and closed my eyes.

I heard sirens in the distance, “Ella who the fuck did you call!” Scott was rattling the door knob. “Ella fucking open this door right now.” I had to stay quiet. I couldn’t let him win. Ella the police are on their way. The boys and I will be over shortly. Stay strong! You can do this! Lou Shit. Louis can’t come over- he’ll get hurt. Louis stay away from this. Please! I don’t want you getting hurt. Just please! The door was knocked down, ‘Oh please hurry up! I’m going to die.’ I prayed, his feet came closer to the bed, “Ella, come out come out where ever you are.” He sounded angry. He bent down, I closed my eyes and I held my breath.  This was it. I was no longer going to be Ella Benson.

There was shot, I tried to hold in my tears, damn it. Scotts body fell beside me, I tried not to scream. Too late. I stared at his body, when someone grabbed my arm, I flinched. “Ella!” I turned to face the voice, “Louis!” I crawled from under the bed and hugged him tightly. “You shouldn’t of come here Louis.” I sighed into his warm chest. “Well I did.” I looked around at the police surrounding Scott’s now dead body. I shivered. The police ordered us out of the room, where now they were causing a scene with all the caution tape. Was this really necessary. “Great now where will I be staying?” I mumbled to myself. Before I could think about it I was slammed into by four other boys. “Louis, you brought all of them?” I chuckled hugging them all back. Louis smiled shyly. “Can you stay with us-“ Niall piped up before being nudged hard in the shoulder, “Sorry Liam. Excuse my rude manners… Would you like to stay with us? We have that extra room, unless-“ He looks between Louis than back at me, “You and Tomlinson-“ I covered his mouth, “No! There is nothing going on between us.” I looked over at Louis, he looked hurt. Great Ella.

“What!?” Louis was rambling on and on. “Louis we are friends. Right?” He nodded, “Friends it is.” “Butitotallyjustsavedyourass!” He stuttered out, “Louis. Ah come on! I know. Thank you.” I looked down at my toes. I watched my toes sink into my carpet as Louis strutted toward me. “Uh.. We’ll be in the car. Grab your stuff El!” Liam smiled. I nodded. “That’s all I get is a thank you?” I looked up, “Louis. What are you doing here?” I sighed, “You needed help?” He said confused. “No, why are you caring about me all of a sudden. Why now? Why not two months ago when you first saw me? Answer that question Tomlinson.” Louis scratched the back of his head, “Louis. I don’t want you. I never did.  I grew up on my own! I can take care of myself. And you can’t come back here playing with my feelings. One day I’m over you the next I’m not. You need to stop this. I don’t want you in my life!” I stated nearing to tears, Louis took a step forward brushing a tear from my cheek. I stepped back, this sucked. He needs to know that I don’t want him. “Ella. You don’t want me, I understand that. But you NEED me! Ever wanted to restart your life? Just stop and rewind. Ella you need me in your life.” I was going to say something before he put his hand up to stop me shushing me, “I don’t care how you feel about me. But Ella I swear from the first day I saw you I knew you were the one.”

I sat down in the chair beside me looking into his eyes, “Louis. I’m scared. I’ve never had someone care for me. I grew up alone. Scared of everyone around me. Scott is now dead. My mom died along time ago. It was just me and him, abusing the shit out of me. I never could trust someone ever again. I’m scared to be with you. But one part says-“ He leaned closer, “Say it Ella. I know you want to.” I moved backward, “I’m scared that I’m falling in love with you.” He grabbed my hand, “That wasn’t the answer I was looking for. But-“ I chuckled, “Louis Tomlinson, I think I’m in love with you!”  


Ohhh! SHE LOVES HIM!!!! 

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