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Sorry for the lack of updates! been super busy cupcakes! (new nickname) :D Please enjoy the story and please don't forget to COMMENT, VOTE, and MESSAGE MOI! :D (me)

Maddie xx



“Ella you need to wake up. You can’t leave me. I love you. You make me sooo happy. The last ten months have been the best ten months of my life. Please come back Ella! Please I beg of you.” I smiled hearing his voice, “I promise. I”ll be back.” “See you on the otherside.”

I tried opening my eyes, it felt like weights were baring them to close. “Please don’t leave me Ella. Please I love you.” Someone was holding my hand, Louis. I squeezed his hand. Beep… Beep… “Oh my God.” Beep… Beep… Beep… Beep beep beep. “Holy shit!” Ha even if I was still dreaming I could hear the faint beeps of the heart monitor; oh my God I’m not dying. Thank you baby Jesus. “Ella? Can you hear me?” I couldn’t speak, my throat was dry so I tried moving my fingers again. Louis squeezed my hand for reassurance. “ELLA!” I fluttered my eyes open, but closed them again. “SHE’S ALIVE!” Louis screamed, “Shh.” All I could say. “Sorry love. I’m just so happy, I thought I lost you!” I smiled, looking over to see his face. Dude this boy needs to get sleep. “I’ll never leave you, that’s a promise!” I stated while he kissed my cheek, “I love you Ella!” I let a tear fall, “I love you to Louis!”


Ella could leave the hospital in a couple days now. Jesus, she was in there for a month. Funny thing is, none of us were badly hurt. Just few bruises here and there, but damn, Ella got it the worst. I was sitting next to her bed while the others were on the small couches when Hamilton walked in, he was holding some papers. “Hello Ella. How you feeling today?” “Fine. Thanks.” Liar. She looked like her head hurt, and her stomach. “My stomach hurts.” She clutched her gown in pain. “Well Ella that is why I’m in here.” Hamilton looked around the room looking at all the faces. “Louis can I talk to you for a second… Outside.” I nodded, kissed her temple then stepped out. “Ella lost her baby.”


So even in a hospital gown, no make up Ella still looks flawless. “Hope everythings okay! Ella you’re such a trooper!” I smiled kissing her cheek. “Thanks Hazza! I feel fine… Except my effing stomach. God.” Hamilton and Louis walked into the room, Louis looked like he just saw a ghost. All pale, “Lou?” Liam asked standing up. “Guys can I have a word with Ella and Louis please?” Hamilton nodded us toward the door as we all stepped out.


“I WHAT! NO THIS CAN’T BE! WE DIDN’T EVEN- NO! THIS CAN’T OH MY GOD! WHAT THE FUCK?! YOU TELL ME NOW! I CAN’T! I SWEAR IF YOUR LYING TO ME- SO HELP ME I WILL SLAP YOU!!” We heard Ella sobbing then it went quiet. “This can’t be true.” Was her last words before it was dead silent.


“Ella, baby I’m sorry.” Louis tried calming me down, I just started bawling, “Louis. I-I’m sorry.” Hamilton took the time to step out of the room. “Don’t be sorry babe, it wasn’t your fault. We’re still young. We have time.” Louis tried to calm me down, but the tears just kept coming. “I don’t think it is Lou. I was caring our baby, and I lost it. I’m so sorry!” Louis took the pleasure to sit on the bed with me as he held me in his arms, “It’ll be okay Ella. Things will just get better! I promise!” 


OUt of all the chapters I have written so far, this one by far made me cry... Please don't forget to Vote, ComMEnt and MEssage ME (see what i did there...) xx

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