Umm Boys??

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“Harry. I think I’m close but I have know idea!” I stopped riding because talking on the phone and longboarding could equal disaster, “Okay, did you go past the big brick house, then to the right of the yellow one?” I sighed, “Yes? I think.” “Ha okay. Just keep going down the road and you’ll see a-“ I came to a sudden stop, “A white house, with a big gate?” “Yup that’s us! I’ll open the gate.” I hung up, this place was gigantic. Oh the things I would do to get a house like this. It was raining, typical. But it sucked, I was soaked. “Ella!” Louis came running out of the house, “Louis you are going to get sick!” I rode up to the front porch, “Yeah I’m gonna get sick. Says you in the T-shirt and jeans. With no coat.” I rolled my eyes, “Here’s your phone Tomlinson.” I handed him the phone, “Oh goodie! Thank you! Come on in.” I walked in, it was silent, my sneakers squeaking across the floor. I took my shoes off once we got inside. “Your house. It’s lovely!” “Mhm. Thanks!” Louis turned to face me, “We need to get you out of those clothes before you get sick.” I looked down at my damp self, “That’s probably a good idea. Where’s your bathroom?” He pointed to a door at the end of the hallway, “I’ll grab you some clothes.” I walked down the long narrow hallway, when four heads popped out of different doors, echoes filling my ears of ‘hello’s!’ I smiled and procceeded to the bathroom.

I got out of the shower, no clothes outside the bathroom, “Erh.” I looked out the door and sprinted for my life holding the towel against my body, “Louis! Where are my clothes!” I shouted through the house, “Oh hi Ella.” I jumped, almost dropping my towel, “Sorry didn’t mean to scare you.” I turned to face Zayn. “Oh. Sorry. Hi. Uh where’s Louis?” Zayn scoffled back a small laugh, “What?” I asked, “Oh. He’s downstairs. I thought he put clothes out for you.” I looked down, “Um nope.” Zayn told me to follow him where we ended up in a bedroom, “Here put these on. I’m sure Louis won’t mind.” Zayn walked out of the room as I changed. They smelled like Louis. Oh God, someone help. I can’t fall for him. Not just yet.

“There she is!” I shuffled into the game room where the boys were crowded around playing Mario Kart. “Yeah. Louis you forgot to set clothes out for me.” “Oh did I now.” He winked at me. Harry laughed, “Well looks like you found some.” He was eying me in the clothes that were to big on me. I went over and sat by Liam, yup that’s his name. The one with the chocolate eyes, brown hair and always wears plaid. Yeah I did my research. “Hi Liam, can I sit by you?” He smiled and scooted over. “Mario Kart. I had that game when I was younger.” “Want to play?” Niall asked handing me the remote, “Do you want to get beat by a girl?” I smirked, “Game on!”

I beat the boys in five rounds of Mario Kart, “Not fair! You said you haven’t played for three years!” Louis complained, “Well. I guess it just comes to me!” I smiled back happily setting the remote down. I covered my mouth as I was trying to hold back a yawn. “Oh. What time is it?” I looked around for a clock, “Um half passed ten.” I jumped up, “Oh I should get going than. I don’t want to ride in the dark.” I started heading toward the upstairs, “No. You should just stay here. It’s getting late.” Louis insisted, “But I-“ He walked over to me, “Please. Better safe than sorry.” I smiled, looking around at all the curious eyes on me, “But I don’t even know you guys very much, and you’re wanting me to stay with you?” Niall walked up, “Well you beat us in Mario Kart. ALL of us, it’s the least we can do.” “Plus we have an extra bedroom across from Louis’s room.” Harry raised his eyebrow at me suggestively. I sighed “Okay, if you insist!”


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