Oh God.

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Hello beautiful people! I love you all!

 Sorry for the long wait! I had to focus on school! ERH! School. UGH! Ha But I hope you enjoy! 

Vote, Comment message me! :D I love messages! 

love Maddie!





It’s been a couple months since we got back from Florida. Hella fun! Well for Ella and I… If you know what I mean ;). “LOUIS STOP SMIRKING!” I was standing infront of Ella in a beautiful mid-thigh dress. It was beach with one cross strap. We were heading out to a premire. “Louis I swear if you don’t-“ I couldn’t stand it I just wanted to close the gap, I ran up to her and kissed her sweetly. “Umm.” She just said laughing. “Knock knock!” Niall opened the door, Ella walked passed me and started applying some make up.


HOLY SHIT! Ella looks ugh! Niall what the bloody hell? You can’t think that! But she does! Look at her legs, her body! She’s beautiful. No Niall! She’s Boo Bears! Erh! Mentally slapping myself.


Well this is slightly awkward, Niall is gaping at me, “Niall you’ll catch flies.” I laughed applying the last of my lipgloss. I don’t wear make up usually, but tonights supposed to be special, I think. “Come on guys! The limo’s here!” Liam called from downstairs, “Limo?” Niall and Louis nodded, we shuffled out of the room to be met by the rest of the boys. “Wow Ella! You look hot!” Harry cooed, I blushed looking down at the ground, “Thanks. Uh.. Where’s Danielle?” I asked Liam, “Uh. She couldn’t make it. She has late night rehearsles.” I just made an ‘O’ shape with my mouth, “We can share dates! You me and Louis!” I chuckled, the other boys looked astonished, “Uh no! We share you!” Zayn laughed, hmm… “Okay sharing me is fine! But I get her later! Like later!” Louis winked, I blushed again, “Oh my God Lou! We didn’t need to know that!” Niall said hiding his face.

We arrived at the premire, lighs and cameras everywhere. “Oh my God I think I’m going to be blinde!” I stated stepping out of the limo. “You’ll be fine babe!” Louis grabbed my hand as we interlocked our fingers (awwe). We posed for a bunch of photoes, yup I was going to be blinde tomorrow, probably even deaf. “ELLA!” I turned around, a small girl was waving at me. “They know my name?” I whispered into Lou’s ear, “Yes! Of course they do!” My face turned pink. “Come on guys! We’re going to miss the film.”


The film was quite boring… No offense. I sat between Niall, next to Harry who sat next to Ella, next to Louis and Zayn on the end. They (Harry, Louis, Ella) were asleep, “Guys you’re being rude.” I whispered a little too loudly causing the whole theatre to ‘shush’ me. Things just got awkward. I heard Ella chuckle, “Liam just got shushed.”


God Ella’s hot. Like UGH! Frustrations… Just close your eyes and don’t pay attention. Yeah get your mind off her!


I feel awkward, all the boys think I’m hot… What to do? Wait I’m dating Louis!? (facepalm). After the long dramatic movie we left and headed home. We made a quick stop and grabbed tubs of ice cream then went home. Yum ice cream. “I LOVE ICE CREAM!” Niall screamed! “What don’t you love!” I laughed. There was a sudden jolt of the car and other cars screetching on the road, the last thing I saw were bright head lights coming towards us and the boy’s faces of horror. 


OH SNAP! What is going to happen to One Direction!? Give me ideas? :D

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