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Here's the next chapter! hope you like it! Vote and Comment 

Maddie <3


I woke up the next morning in my bed with a note on the night table.

 Good morning Ella! You fell asleep on the couch, so I carried you to your room. Hope you don’t mind. Let’s hangout tomorrow with the guys? If you’re free. Lou.xx

What was I going to do with this boy? I barely know him, not even a whole day. Yeah he was there for me two months ago, but things changed. I think? I got up and took a shower and went out into the kitchen.

“What the hell!?” I screamed when I found Louis asleep on my couch. Louis fell off, startled by my morning voice. “Uhh.. This is awkward.” I laughed, “Louis what are you still doing here? I thought you left?” He smiled, “Nope. I just put you in your bed.” I looked down at my feet, “Oh. Thanks.” I looked up and he was standing infront of me. Very close. “So uhh.. What do you want for breakfast?” I asked stepping backward, “Mhm. What do you have?” I raised a brow, “I actually have know idea.” I walked over to my fridge and opened it, I felt like he was staring at me, “Eggs, I can make pancakes. And you can stop looking at my ass. Yes.” I looked up from the fridge as a fade of pink went across his face. “Caught ya Tomlinson.” He pouted, “How did you know?” I sighed, “I just know.”

We had a nice breakfast, which was still weird because I don’t even know him that well. Barely at all. “So what are you doing today?” I asked him, “He set his fork down, “The boys and I have an interview that I have to get to shortly. How about you?” I took one more bite and got up, “I have work. Then I am coming back home. Pretty easy day.” “Ohh.. Do you only work at the café?” I set the dishes in the dishwasher, “Yup. But I’m also trying to find another one.” He got up out of his chair and walked over to me, “Well I have to go, or Simon is going to throw a fit. Bye Ella, thanks for breakfast!” He kissed my cheek, “Oh. No problem. Just don’t scare me like that ever again!” He smirked, “Call me about tomorrow! We should hang!” I nodded and he left.

It was busy at work, lots of tourists. I waitressed for the first two hours than played guitar for the last three hours. I got paid for waitressing and people tipped me with my playing. Honestly when playing the guitar, my mind goes on a journey. I forget everything, from the past to the present. My mind goes on a ride to another world. It calms me down. I left work and headed home, when my phone rang.  Unknown number…

“Hello?” “Ella? This is Harry.” “Oh hi…” “Um. You should come over. And Louis left his phone at your apartment… He forgets things. But he wants-“ I heard Louis in the background, “We (he lauged) want you to come over. I’ll text you the address!” I was silent, “Ella?” “Oh yeah! Okay sounds good see you in like half hour. Bye Harry.” He hung up. I rode home grabbed Louis’s phone then headed towards where ever I was going. This was going to be very interesting.


What's going to happen to Ella?? :D

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