Oh NO!!!

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Before anything could happen I shot out of the chair I was occupying trying to grab everything. “Uh… I need to grab my stuff officer.” The officer nodded and I grabbed everything while they were hoisting the body on a stretcher. I shivered, this was disgusting. I stood there in my closet. What if the police were too late, I could have been dead. I heard noises from officers saying that he was a bad man. He was in jail when I was younger, but escaped when I was fourteen. I can’t handle it anymore. I had to get away. Away from this bloody apartment. “Ella! You almost ready?” Louis called from the family room where I just left him, devouring into his thoughts. I came out with my bags, not much, but just a little. “Mhm.” Louis came over and helped me grab my stuff. He helped me grab my stuff. We continued walking out of the apartment, I took one more glance back and the bagged body. He was gone. Forever.

“So I take it you will be staying with us?” Niall smiled, I nodded as I sat next to him and by Zayn. WOOH SQUISHED TO DEATH! “So uh Lou, what are you going to do about-“ Louis covered Harry’s mouth quickly, “About what?” I asked cautiously, “Nothing.” Louis stated glaring at Harry. “Okay. It’s been along morning, let’s just go home!” Liam insisted.

We pulled up the long driveway to the big white mansion, where now I would be living. I hopped out of the car crawling over all of them, “I’m sorry. I have to pee!” I chuckled before my hand slipped on Harry’s thigh, making my head land on Louis’s well ya know… I looked up blushing. This is awkward. “Um… Sorry.” I stated shyly before opening the door. The boys helped grabbed my stuff, such gentleman while I sprinted to the bathroom. An hour drive plus traffic-YEAH! I came out of the bathroom and procceeded to where I was staying. “So you’ll be in here. Niall is next door, Louis is across and on the otherside of the hallway is Liam, Zayn and I.” Harry smiled at me while I sat on my bed. “Thank you! I mean for this. I’m sorry I’m just coming into your guys’s lives.. Unannounced. But I really appreciate it.” Harry smiled at me and kissed me on the forehead. “Dinner will be ready in an hour. Make yourself at home.”

Since before I spent my time walking around the house aimlessly I decided to unpack, OCD. I put on some Ed Sheeran and danced around putting things away. The room was really lovely. So big and well just lovely. I’ve never had a bedroom that big before. As I was finishing putting clothes away a voice came over some speaker. “Dinner!” It was Liam. Oh there’s an intercome… I turned off my Iphone and walked toward the big kitchen. Hello’s echoed into my ears as I was greeted with a great plate of, well whatever it was. I looked at it; “Have you never had this before?” Niall looked at me in wide-eyed shock. “No…” Niall gasped, “Oh my God, what kind of person are you? It’s Nando’s! My favorite!” I laughed, “Okay…”

We all ate quietly, the only noise being our forks chiming against the plates. Louis was oftley quiet. “You okay Louis? You uh-“ Harry asked, “Yes. Uh… I’m fine..” Harry looked at me, I shrugged, “Louis…” Liam stated bluntly, Louis looked at all of us, they said he’s never upset. He stormed out of the kitchen slamming his bedroom door behind him. GREAT! I just moved in more drama?!


Well.. Ella. This is great start. I thought. “I’ll go talk to him. “No Haz, let him cool down first.” Niall insisted. I sighed into my chair staring at Ella, her eyes went wide. “Is something wrong?” The boys looked at me, then at Ella. “Oh no! I am not telling her.” She looked at me with her blue eyes, “AHH! I’ll go talk to him hold on!” I left the room.


“Harry! What do you want!?” I threw a pillow to my face, ‘great first impression Louis.’ I thought. “Please open the door Lou.” I sighed letting him in, “Thanks. Now. You need to tell her.” Harry walked into my room and sat on the bed, “About Eleanor. Uh no.” Harry sighed, “Lou, you can’t keep this from her. She needs to know. She’s going to get hurt.” I sat back on my bed leaning my head against the board, “Harry. She, she…” Harry’s eyes went wide, I thought they were going to bug out, “She what Louis. Spit it out!” “She thinks she loves me!” Harry groaned, I pressed the pillow closer to my face trying to sufficate. “Louis! Tell her now!” There was knock on the door, “Um… The intercome..” Zayn stated shyly. “What about it….” I mumbled, “It’s on..” Ella’s small voice shattered my ears. Great Tomlinson what did you do.


I brushed a hair behind my ear before I looked back at the boys. They all looked at me with a sympathetic look. Okay. Yeah I don’t know what’s going on, but I’m dying to find out. I walked passed Louis’s door, should I knock on it? No Ella. Stay. Just go to your room. I sighed at my thought, I walked into my room and drowned my thoughts with The Script. Till I fell asleep.


Louis has been in his room for God, who knows how long, Ella was totally unaware of this commotion. “Good morning Liam!” Her soft voice ringed in my ears, “Morning El.” She looked happy for once, no offence. But she’s had a rough couple of days. “Has Louis come out of his cave yet?” She asked giggling, “Nope.” Harry stepped in. “Oh.” Her face faded, something was going on, that we didn’t know about. I had to find out, but how? Without being to nosey.


“Yeah?” There was a light knock on the door, “Louis can I come in?” Oh. It was Ella. “Umm. Yeah..” I wiped a tear from eye, I’ve never cried over a girl. Girls. Ella all happy and smiley came into my room at least until she saw my face. “Louis what’s wrong?” She asked wiping a tear, “I-I-“ She looked into my eyes pleading for an answer. “I-have a-“ Her face dropped, and she looked down at her hands, “Oh. I understand. Eleanor.” I tried looking at her, but I just couldn’t. “It’s okay Louis. I understand. But what I said to you the other day, I meant it. Now I want you to figure yourself out before you cause any trouble okay?” She patted my leg and kissed my cheek and started to get up. God I had an urge to kiss her sooo bad. Don’t Louis. Don’t you dare. I grabbed her wrist. LOUIS. DON’T. I turned her around, Eleanor. YOU HAVE ELEANOR. I stood up and brought her closer. YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND TOMLINSON! Lips inches away. “No. I can’t.” Ella looked down, “I can’t be part of this. I don’t want to be that girl Louis. Just talk to Eleanor. Figure out what you want.” Ella pulled away and walked out of my room. “LOUIS SOMEONE’S HERE FOR YOU!” Niall shouted through the intercome, next thing I knew. Eleanor was standing at my bedroom door.


Oh dear! What?!?! Eleanor?? Please Vote and Comment <3

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