"What made you get your hair cut?" I ask as we sit on the sofa.

"I mean it was time. I couldn't be grown looking rough." He says rubbing his head.

     "You could never look erough." I say as a slip of the tongue.

"Whoa..." He says looking at me side eyed. "Was that a compliment?" He   asks.

     "Don't flatter yourself." I say as I begin to walk back up the stairs and grab my phone because it was ringing. I go into my room and I pick up my phone. It was an unknown number. I look at it with a raised eyebrow and I picked up.

"You have a collect call from (Derrick) would you like to accept these charges?" The automatic teller asks me.

     I look at my phone in shock. "Who the fuck?" I ask myself as I agree to accept the charges.

"Wassup Maeko?" Derrick says into the phone and I sit there on my bed in shock. I was truly at a lost for words. "Hello?" He says into the phone again.

     "How the fuck did you get my number?"  I spat at him.

"Ha Ha still the same Maeko." He says like it's a joke.

     "You got some nerve..." I say harshly into the phone.

"I wanted to see how you was doing..." He says softly into the phone.

     "We are not friends. The fuck is wrong with you?" I say as I feel my heart beating fast. I stare up at the sky remembering the events of that night.

"Oh hell nall." I hear Za'nae say.

"You need to go." Bree cosigns.

"Hell no I came to say happy birthday and show love to Ko." he says looking at me smiling. I know he has came to start trouble and my heart started beating real fast. I couldn't help but tense up and feel afraid now that Derrick was here. The whole mood of the party shifted....

"Nobody likes a party crasher" Bree says

"Shut the hell up Bree." Rico chimes in

"Hold on, don't talk to her like that
." Za'nae screams

"Is there a problem here?" Lonnie says with Lyric and Brenden behind him.

"Not one that has to do with y'all." Derrick says

"Derrick just go!" Za'nae shouts and wiping a tear from her eye.

"Derrick...." Lyric says from behind Lonnie "Za'nae this is the Derrick you was telling me about?"

"Yeah.." Za'nae responds

"You definitely shouldn't be here after what you pulled. Leave now!" Lyric screams

"I came to party and talk to my baby mama. That's it" Derrick says

"I told you what happened to that baby Derrick. I don't want any ties to you" Za'nae wimpers

     "Baby?" I yell looking shocked.

Za'nae and Lyric looks at me. "Yes Ko... I was pregnant." Za'nae says

"We been talking to each other for a while and you never said anything about a baby" I respond fuming

"I'm sorry I'll tell you everything later" Za'nae says

"Okay bruh you gotta go" Lonnie says. pushing Derrick towards the door

"Don't touch me fuck nigga" Derrick shouts causing the music to be turned down.

Fall For Your Type: Book 2 | BxBWhere stories live. Discover now