I looked around and kept fighting to keep my eyes open but I was loosing this battle

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I looked around and kept fighting to keep my eyes open but I was loosing this battle.

Slowly my eyes closed and darkness surrounded me.

Tyler's POV

"If she's been missing for as long as I think she has which is probably hours then she'll be far from home" I said looking over at Marco who was sat in the passenger seat whilst Daniel, Jacob and Ali sat in the back. The others went in a separate car and in the opposite direction.

"Keep an eye out for their cars and let me know so we can move away from them." I said as I continued to drive looking for the girl who's constantly running through my mind.

I drove further than any normal person could have walked and parked my car up on the side.

"Lets look on foot, split up to cover more ground and give me a call if you find her." I said walking away from the others as they put their hoods up to shelter themselves from the rain.

"Where are you?" I muttered under my breath as I kept looking for her.

I walked for around 2 hours until I saw someone sleeping in the pouring rain.

'Only you' I thought running towards the person on the ground.

I moved her hair out of her face and saw that it was definatly her.

"Jheez you need to stop doing this to yourself" I said as I touched her ice cold body.

I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and called Marco.

"I've got her, meet me back at the car and call the boys" was all I said and then I hung up putting my phone away in my jacket pocket zipped up.

I took off my jacket which was somewhat dry from the inside and covered her by putting my jacket on her.

I kneeled down and picked her up bridal style and began to walk with her in my arms back to my car.

"You're gonna be alright" I whispered as I made my way through the park as a shortcut, it had stopped raining and was now just windy and cold

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"You're gonna be alright" I whispered as I made my way through the park as a shortcut, it had stopped raining and was now just windy and cold.

After 20 minutes I finally reached my car and saw all the others waiting around it. As soon as they saw me they ran over.

"Is she okay?" They all asked at the same time looking over at her sleeping figure.

"Yeah she's just asleep, did you call mikey and D?" I asked as we all continued to walk.

"Yeah I told the to meet us at the park near her home" Marco said opening the door for me.

"I'll drive you sit in the back with her." Marco said as he took the keys out of his pocket.

I nodded my head and sat in the back with Daniel and Jacob with Amy in my arms and told Ali to turn up the heating as we made our way to the boys.

After what I presume was a 45 minute drive we pulled up to see all the lads waiting by their cars on their phones.

Marco opened the door for me to step out and carry her to mikeys car.

"Make sure she's alright when she gets in and go check on her tomorrow, she's asleep right now so don't wake her up, if they ask where you found her just say she was in a park" I said putting her in the backseat.

I said bye and left with the lads to go back to the hotel.

"They'll call us tomorrow." I said as i layed back and tried to get some rest.

Mikey's POV

We pulled up to the door and saw Amy's family eagerly waiting at the door which they said they would be when we called them off our burner phone.

I got out and then got amy out and carried her over to them making sure I left my gun hidden in my car.

"I'll carry her in" I said walking past her brothers who were ready and waiting it take her off me.

I followed Mrs Parker into her home as she led me to Amy's room which was still being cleaned by the maid.

I gently layed her down and pulled the covers over her because her clothes had dried along with her said and looked over to her mum who was now by her side.

"I'll be back to check on her tomorrow if that's alright?" I said looking over to her mum for approval. Once she had nodded her head we all left the room and made our way back to the front of the house except for the maid.

"Thank you, where did you find her?" George said shaking my hand which made me cringe but I kept a straight face.

"We found her asleep on a park bench around 30 minutes away" Diego said as he put his hands in his pockets.

"Well I don't know how to thank you but just let us know if you need anything" Amy's mother said as she hugged me and Diego.

"It's fine, your welcome. Like I said before I'll be back to check on her in the morning" I said as I waved them a goodbye.

Once we had said goodnight I went home, changed and finally lied in bed falling asleep right away.

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