Forty Nine // Before we say I do.

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"You're not Kirsty." His deep voice chuckles as a smile finds it's way to his lips, clearly he had recognized me, just like I had him. 

"No." I awkwardly laugh. "It's good to see you Nick." I say politely. The last conversation that I had with Nick Smith was probably the day that we broke up. We awkwardly saw each other at school after that but it was only for a few months because then we graduated and I had not bothered to keep tabs on him or his life after school, wasn't it crazy how one day someone who once meant so much to you could just become a stranger? 

"You too Genie, You too." Nick responds. "It's been like five years." My eyes can't help but take in his features, he looks different, those boyish features that he once had were now very manly. Nick was definitely still very attractive and I would be lying If I said that he wasn't, his hair seemed an even darker shade of blonde now and somehow his eyes were still that perfect emerald shade of green. I absolutely adored him when we were together and seeing him now I was reminded just how much.

Oh to be young and in puppy love. 

"It's definitely been awhile." I let out a small chuckle as my eyes drift down to the package that was still in my hands. "Is your wife home at all? I've got the samples and a few other things to give her from Kirsty."

"She's not home right now but I can take that from you." Nick offers kindly and I pass him the package a few seconds later. I was sure that he would make sure she got what she needed to. "So you're engaged?" Nick asks me, his eyes flickering down to my engagement ring that was securely on my finger. 

"Yes." I answer, a smile finding a way to my face at the thought of Calum. "We're actually getting married next week." Nick Smith may of been one attractive guy but he didn't even come close to Calum, I don't think anybody ever would again. 

"Oh wow well congratulations." Nick says sounding very genuine. "Anyone I know?" 

"Kind of." 

"Kind of?" Nick raises his eyebrows at me. I knew that he knew of Calum back when we at school but I don't know if we would actually remember him. 

"Do you remember Calum Hood?" 

"One of Clifford's friends right?" Nick says and I nod in response. "You and Him huh? Makes sense." 

"What's that suppose to mean?" 

"He use to always give me death glares when he ever saw us together." Nick remembers and I can't help but grin. Calum was never ever a fan of my boyfriends, Michael being the only exception. 

"That sounds like Calum." I lightly laugh. "So how long have you and Jenna been together?" 

"Together four, married almost two." 

"That's great Nick, and from what Kirsty has told me about Jenna, she sounds lovely."

"She sure is." Nick smiles warmly at the mention of his wife. "We're actually expecting, hence the reason for our renovations."

"Really? Congratulations! Your first right?" I couldn't help the feeling of delight that washed over me at the news of a baby. New life was such a magical thing and I really couldn't be happier for couples who were expecting, whether they were my best friends or strangers. 

"Yeah it is." Nick beams. "We're having a boy." 

"That's so great Nick, I'm really happy for you and your wife." 

"Thanks do you and Calum have any children?" 

"Not at the moment." I lightly chuckle. "Sometime soon though." At least I hoped it would be.

The Baby Project. C.H. (A.U.)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum