Forty Eight // Bachelorette. (Genie)

Start from the beginning

"Thank god." Luke says. "I'll be in the car." He announces before making his way out of the kitchen. 

"That's a good idea actually." Ashton says looking around at us all. "Lets give them five minutes." Ashton smiles at both Calum and I before leaving us, Aria, Emma, Sam and Claudia follow suit and exit the kitchen a few seconds after but Michael stays sternly in his spot. 

"Are you really going to stand there the whole time?" Calum questions him. 

"I'm thinking about it." Michael replies with a shrug just as Aria appears behind him. 

"Come on Michael, leave them be." Aria tugs at her husbands hand and begins to pull him out the door. "Five minutes!" Michael yells to Calum before completely disappearing. 

"Tonight is going to be hell." Calum huffs looking directly at me. I knew Calum was very much excited about tonight and I also knew that he was going to have one of the best nights of his life. There is no way he could have a bad time when he was with his best friends and he was after all celebrating his last night of 'freedom'. 

"You're going to have a great night." I assure him and watch the smile light up his beautiful face. 

"I'm gonna miss you." 

"I think you can survive." I bring my arms up and wrap them around his neck as his hands finds their way to my waist. "You know I trust you and I'm not worried about anything going wrong tonight but I do want you to be safe okay?" 

"I'll be fine." Calum promises. "Nothing would ever keep me from coming home to you at the end of the night." 

"Good to know." I smile at him. "I love you Hood." 

"And I love you Scott." Calum smirks and I raise my eyebrows at him. "You know soon I'm not going to be able to call you scott anymore." 

"I know and I can't wait." 

"Genie Penelope hood does have a good ring to it." 

"It does." I agree before pulling a face. "I'm still so mad at my parents for picking penelope." I say and Calum lets out a laugh before pulling me in for a hug. Before Calum I never knew that being in somebody's arms could be so extraordinary , he made me feel like I was the most special person in the world, like no harm could ever come to me when I was in his arms, it was most definitely my favourite place in this world and he was my favourite person to ever exist. 

"Don't let Claudia lead you astray tonight." Calum mutters to me and I snort because I could say the exact same thing to him about Luke. It was such a shame that Luke and Claudia couldn't make things work because they would of made such an amazing couple, I guess sometimes things were just not meant to be though. 

"So i'll see you later." I say being the one to pull away from the hug first. 

"I'll see you later." Calum nods in confirmation before leaning in and pressing his lips to mine ever so sweetly, as ridiculous as it sounds, sometimes I didn't know how I managed to go hours on end without kissing those lips. 

"Times up!" We hear Michael yell which makes us break the kiss and both let out laughs, clearly Michael did not want them to be late for whatever he had planned. 

"Love you." Calum presses a final peck to my lips then hesitantly begins to walk towards Michael who was once again standing in the kitchen doorway. 

"Love you too." 


The next to two hours for me consisted of an array of spa treatments and one beyond incredible full body massage. My body felt so soothed and I was probably feeling more relaxed than I ever had been in my entire life, In fact I felt like I was ready for absolutely anything that life could throw me and that would probably be a good thing because I still had no idea what the girls had planned for me later tonight but at least I knew I would be ready for whatever they did have planned. 

"You know what I love the most about the fact that Alyx is in a sleeping routine?" Emma asks no one in particular. Sam, Aria, Emma and I were currently getting our nails done while Claudia and Mali were still getting their massages. Mali had met up with us when we got to the spa and I was really happy that she was going to be spending the day with us, as well as tonight. I was expecting Kirsty to join us too but she had deal with a sick Tommy, so she would just be meeting up with us a little later. 

"I could probably guess but I'll let you tell us." Aria replies giving Emma a smirk, I think we all knew what her answer was going to be.  "So what is it that you love the most about Alyx's sleeping routine?" 

"That Ashton and I can finally have a sex life again." Emma answers with a very dreamy looking grin. "I swear it is like we're back in the honeymoon stage." 

"Really?" I ask her in amusement. I was honestly so happy for Ashton and Emma because I knew that had a hard time with Alyx and her sleeping patterns but now they had her in a set routine and things were obviously going  very well for them. 

"Oh yea." Emma nods. "I don't even know where we are finding the energy but every time Alyx is asleep we just can't help ourselves." 

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