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-=Anakin's P.O.V=-

So that was it huh? The Sith Lord dead. Balance in the Force shifted to the light. It's over, but there is still Count Dooku to deal with, but I have a feeling he knows about order 66.

Everyone struggled to get to their feet, and Nightmare fell to his knees covering his bad eye.

Anakin: "Nightmare, are you okay?!"

Nightmare: "Yeah, I'm fine. Just burns like hell. Those light sabers do not screw around."

Ruby ran to him to help him to his feet. I sensed something coming.

Obi-Wan: "Anakin, what is it?"

Anakin: "Gunships, a lot of gunships."

Before we knew it clone troopers clad in white and red armor with the Chancellor's crest on them, led by none other than Commander Thorne, repelled in through the hole Nora made and with their blasters pointed right at us. The Coruscant Guard was not going to be merciful to us considering what we just did.

Thorne: "Down on the floor with your hands on your heads, all of you!"

Everyone looked like they were about to retaliate, but they're way too weak after getting torrents of lightning shot at them, I had to step in and stop them.

Anakin: "Guys, don't. There's no point in fighting the Republic."

Weiss: "You can't be serious, we just did the Republic a favor!"

Plo: "He's right Weiss, until we can get this sorted out we are in no position to bargain."

Thank you Master Plo for talking sense into them. They all threw their weapons down and laid flat on their stomachs with their hands on their heads, and that included us too. The troopers binded us up and put us on the gunships to transport to the prison.

-=Timeskip a few hours to the prison=-

I was sitting alone in my cell, with no one to talk to. And just as I say that, someone I thought I'd never see again. None other, then Admiral Tarkin.

Tarkin: "General Skywalker."

Anakin: " Admiral Tarkin, how lovely seeing you here."

Tarkin: "Let's keep this short Anakin, why have you and your little team assassinated the Chancellor?"

Anakin: "Believe me when I say this, the Chancellor was the Sith Lord we've been looking for."

Tarkin: "Ahh yes, the Sith. That is what everyone else has told me. But your actions have thrown the Republic in chaos Skywalker! You will pay the price."

Anakin: "And how is that?"

Tarkin: "You all will be tried in a Republic military Tribunal. Your fate will be decided by the Senate."

Anakin: "Tarkin, they're kids. They aren't even apart of the military."

Tarkin: "They had a hand in assassinating the Chancellor. They will be tried and their fate will be decided. Good day, General Skywalker."

He left the room, thank the Force. Even after we rescued him from the Citadel he's still a stubborn prick. I can't stand him...

-=Thorne's P.O.V=-

As we searched the crime scene, and as Palpatine's body was being loaded into a body bag ready for transport, I was starting to be convinced that the Jedi were in fact doing the right thing.

The scorch marks on the wall were not light saber strikes, though some were, it still doesn't make sense. No Jedi is capable of wielding lightning.

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