The Vytal Festival Tournament

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-=Anakin's P.O.V=-

Team AARO huh? I like the name, got a nice ring to it. Anyways we were on our way back to our dorm until another team that I didn't know stopped us.

"Congrats you guys. I'm Jaune and I lead team JNPR." Said Jaune.

"Anakin. Nice to meet you."

"We're all going down to Vale later, wanna tag along?"

"Sounds nice. You three wanna come?" I asked the rest of team.

"Well we haven't been in the city yet so why not?" Ahsoka stated.

"Fine by me sir." Rex said.

"The more we learn the better right?" Obi-Wan said.

We walked outside to one of the shuttles and saw a large circular... thing float by.

"What is that?" Ahsoka asked.

"Ooh heck yeah! Amity Coliseum is here!" Nora was excited beyond belief. (Ren did you let her get the sugar bags again?)

"Amity what?"

"It's an arena we use to host the Vytal Festival Tournament. We've been getting exchange students from the other three kingdoms. Atlas, Mistral, and Vacoue." Pyrrha gave the whole explanation on this.

We landed in the city and got lunch. We ordered this thing called pizza. Damn it was delicious.

"Oh man this tastes like heaven. Better than those nasty MREs that they serve in the Republic army." Rex always had a certain way of expressing himself.

"You and me both." I chimed in. He's right. This is better than the standard military meals. Nora was going on about this dream she had while Ren was correcting the details.

"And then it went boom!"

"It actually just sparked a bit. She's been having this recurring dream for nearly three weeks."

"Does this happen often?" Obi-Wan asked him.

"Yes, it's been happening since we first started Beacon. She usually tells it correctly to me the first time but when she tells everyone else she makes mistakes so I end up correcting her." Ren explained.

"I can't wait till the tournaments start. This is going to be exciting." Jaune said.

"When do they start?" Ahsoka asked.

"Tomorrow is when they have the fights sceduled. First team to fight is team RWBY."

"Guess we'll have to take the first ship up to get good seats."

We went back to Beacon to see that we were being waited on by Professor Ozpin and someone we haven't met yet. White suit, slick hair and blue eyes, has some weird metal plate on his forehead.

"Anakin, Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, Rex, this is General James Ironwood, he leads the Atlas military and headmaster of the Atlas combat school for huntsman and huntresses." Ozpin introduced us to the general.

"So you're the four space travelers. I'm General Ironwood, but please, call me James. So I hear that you four came by mistake." Ironwood said.

"That is correct. We were traveling to the planet of Mandalore to rendezvous with another one of our Jedi Generals to help deal with a civil war. Our ship was pulled out of hyper space and we were attacked by a Seperitist fleet. We found a strange portal and went straight for it and now we're here." Obi-Wan explained.

"Very fasinating. But are you sure these Seperitists didn't follow you?"

"That's what we wondered. They must've thought that they killed us. Either that or the portal closed as soon as we went through it."

"I see. Well at least we don't have to worry about an invasion. What I'm most curious about is you Captain. You're a clone for the Republic army, correct?"

"Yes sir. Why do you ask?" Rex said.

"When did this program start?"

"Ten years ago."

"Fasinating. You look to be in your late 20's."

"That's due to our genetic code being modified to have accelerated aging. I've been wanting to get a cure for it."

"We might be able to help you with that."

Rex and the rest of the team were startled. Rex could barely find his words.

"Y-you can help me with that?"

"Of course. Atlas is the world leader in technology. We've been studying genetics for years and we might have a cure for you."

"I-I.... I don't know what to say."

"Is this what you really want Rex?" I asked him. Poor guy was still speechless.

"I am certain this is what I want. When can we start?"

"We can start today. I can take us to a medical facility on my ship."

"Thank you General Ironwood. You have my respect and trust."

-=Author's note=-

Sorry I'm so late on updating. My past week has been busy. On top of that I have to go back to school on the 23rd. God help me get through this year without too much bullshit. Hope you guys enjoy.


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