Battle for Beacon

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-=Rex's P.O.V=-

"Wait wait wait, you mean to tell me that the Chancellor had this done to me? And that he is a Sith Lord?" I said completely outraged. Our leader of the Republic, a Sith? Who would've thought.

"Rex calm down, besides it's not like we can do anything about it, we're stranded here, remember? We can't fix the Twilight right now." Anakin attempted to calm me down but failed.

"Anakin's right, we have our own situation here on Remnant, dealing with these Grimm and protecting the people must be our top priority. James, how long will it be until he recovers?" Obi-Wan asked the Atlas General.

"He's healing rather quickly and we can have the stitches out of his head out and back to the Vytal Festival tomorrow." Ironwood replied.

What a relief. I was going to get out of here. A day had passed and I was out of their with a new scar on the side of my head. I wandered around the fairgrounds and saw that Weiss, Blake and Ahsoka were sitting a table near a TV.

"Mind if I join you ma'am?" I asked them.

"Of course Rex." Ahsoka replied.

I sat down next to her and Weiss had questions.

"How was your surgery Rex?" She asked me in a polite manner.

"It went well, my age acceleration has been reduced and the thing in my head was taken out." I said back to her.

"I'm glad." she said with a smile. After she said that the TV went red and a black chess piece appeared on the screen. I get on my comm link to try and contact General Skywalker.

"General, what's happening?" I asked in a slight panic.

"I don't know, someone's hacked into the system, everyone is afraid. One of the students died on that arena." He said in a bit of depressed tone.

"Wait, who died?" I asked back.

"Penny, at the climax of the duel we could sense that her opponent, Pyrrha, was seeing things. It was an accident. Oh no, gotta go, get back to Beacon if you can!" The conversation cut off from there.

"General? General Skywalker, do you copy?! Blast." I look over to see Ahsoka didn't look right.

"Commander? Are you alright?" I put my hand on her shoulder to see if she was okay.

"I feel... the Dark side growing stronger. It's the Grimm! They're coming!" We ran outside to see the Grimm ransacking the entire fairground. Blake had just gotten off the phone with Yang.

"What are we going to do?" Weiss asked.

"We're going to the docks, and we're doing our job." Blake replied and her locker crashed near us and she got her weapons.

"What about you two?" Weiss asked us. I pulled out my pistols and Ahsoka readied her light sabers.

"What I was born to do." My locker crashed down and I retrieved my helmet and my pistols.

-=Anakin's P.O.V=-

"Master, I'd consider this a bad time to leave our light sabers in our lockers!" I told him.

A Nevermore had gotten onto the stadiums security shield.

"A Nevermore?!" Sun said.

"How did it get pass the kingdoms defenses?" Coco asked.

"It wasn't alone." Ren replied.

Jaune ran out on the field hoping to get Pyrrha to come back to realilty. The Nevermore broke through and sent Jaune and Pyrrha flying backward. It's horrible screeching made my ears hurt. I saw a quick flash of rose petals fly by, it was Ruby. She took one of Penny's swords and stabbed it causing it to stumble.



It came back around and before it could reach them lockers were impaled in its body and it fell, but wasn't dead. We all got our weapons and the Nevermore got up and was ready to attack again.

Obi-Wan and I threw our sabers at its wings cutting them off, Sage and Yatsuhashi delivered the killing blow by cutting its head clean off.

"Ruby... I am so sorry." Tears filled Pyrrha's eyes and her voice shook.

"Me too... but it wasn't your fault." Ruby told her. Jaune cut in the conversation with her sword and shield in his hands.

"She's right. Whoever was on the microphone, they're the ones that did this, and we have to make sure they don't take anyone else." She took her weapons and wiped the tears from her eyes.

"Griffons!" Ren shouted. One of them came down and before we could react we heard a gunshot and the Griffon was dead. We turned around to see Prof. Port and Dr. Oobleck standing there with their weapons in hand.

"Students, I think it would be best for you to leave." Port said.


"Miss Rose, this day will surely go down in Remnant's history. I would prefer if my students lived to tell about it." Oobleck was sincere, he was right. This battle may be lost, but not yet.

We went to the dock to see General Ironwood tear a Beowolf apart with ease.

"Grimm are crawling all over the school, and some vagabond has seized one of my ships. So I'm going to do what I can to take it back." He said.

"What about us?" Jaune asked.

"You have two choices, defend your kingdom and your school, or save yourselves. No one will fault you if you leave." He went into his ship and flew off. Our comm links were blinking like mad.

"Obi-Wan are you getting that?" I asked him.

"Yes... strange. It's on a... it's on a Republic scramble set." He seem surprised by this.

"Wait, Republic? Who else has access to our comms?" We heard a voice but we couldn't make it out until the signal got stronger.

"This is General Plo Koon of the Jedi cruiser Endurance, does anyone copy?" I can't belive it, they found us.

"Master Plo? Is that really you?" Obi-Wan asked him.

"Yes old friend. What is your situation?" He asked again.

"These Creatures of Grimm have invaded the city of Vale and Beacon Acedemy, we need assistance!" Obi-Wan pleaded.

"You will have it Master Kenobi." Plo replied.

We saw his Star Destroyer descend in from orbit and gunships go torwards the school.

"This battle isn't over yet Anakin." He pit his hand on my shoulder while we watched the gunships descend.

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