The Search

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-=Obi-Wan's P.O.V=-

Jaune: "Pyrrha?"

Pyrrha: "It's okay, in fact my ankle doesn't hurt anymore."

This was an odd situation, I can sense that her power has spiked a thousand fold. She stood up out of her bed and walked a little bit. It's like nothing ever happened.

Obi-Wan: "What is this power you have now? I know of it but I do not know it."

She was hesitant at first, like she was in denial of something. I could tell she heard something she didn't want to hear.

Pyrrha: "It was an old fairytale I grew up with as a kid. It was only until a few days ago that I was told it was true by... Ozpin! He's still missing!"

Obi-Wan: "Where was the last place you saw him?"

Pyrrha: "Down below the school, into some secret vault where he tried to give me the Maiden's power."

Master Plo knew what he had to do, and on top of that I wasn't in command of his battalion.

Plo: "Wolffe, take an excavation team and find Ozpin.

Wolffe: "Sir, yes sir!"

He went out of the medical bay and went to the hangar with a team of clones to find Ozpin.

-=Wolffe's P.O.V=-

So, this Ozpin guy must be really important if Pyrrha's flipping out about him and General Plo sent me off in a hurry. My team had reached the elevator shaft that went down into the lower levels, and it was a long way down.

Wolffe: "Please tell me you got jet packs, there's no way our ascension cables are going to reach down that far."

My sergeant, Sinker was with me, along with Lucky and Delta.

Sinker: "Yeah, I got them. It'd suck if any of us fell down there."

Delta: "Amen to that."

Lucky: "Who knows, maybe I can get 'lucky'."

Delta: "Oh shut up with your stupid puns."

Wolffe: "Focus, we have to remember our assignment... and for the record, Lucky, that was a terrible pun."

My team and I got their jet packs on and started carrying our equipment down the elevator shaft. When we got to the bottom, well, it was chaos, debris everywhere from Cinder and Ozpin's fight. This was going to take a while before we could find him.

Wolffe: "Well this is it. We have to find Ozpin under this rubble and get him out. Any questions?"

They remained silent.

Wolffe: "Good, now get to work."

I got my equipment ready and made my way to the middle while Sinker went to the back of the room, Delta took the right side and Lucky took the left. I was digging through the rubble when I heard Sinker shout my name from the back. I made my way to him only to see he found a body. A half naked woman with an arrow in her chest and a massive scar on her face.

Sinker: "Is Ozpin a female? If so, I think I found her."

Wolffe: "Ozpin is a male Sinker. Get her out anyway, she deserves a proper burial."

I made my way back to my spot and continued digging, and I heard breathing from beneath the rubble.

Wolffe: "Professor Ozpin, are you there?"

Ozpin: "Yes... I'm here... is that you Rex?"

Wolffe: "Huh? Oh, no no. He's one of the many clones in the Grand Army of the Republic, same as me."

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