Worlds apart

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-=Third Person P.O.V=-

Anakin and his padawan Ahsoka were about to head out to Mandalore to meet with Mace Windu. Of course, Ahsoka being curious, wanted to know why they were going to Mandalore out of all places.

"Master, why are we going to Mandalore?" She asked and Anakin was about to answer the question for her.

"No clue. All I know is that Obi-Wan told me we needed to meet Master Windu there. Speaking of which, here he is."

Obi-Wan stood with Clone Captain Rex, the second in command of the 501st Clone Legion. "There you are. Come now we don't want to keep him waiting."

"Great to see you too Master."

"Cut the sarcasm Anakin, we really need to get going."

Everyone boarded and left the Venator Class Star Destroyers hanger and went into light speed. The cruiser was needed to defend the Republic home world of Coracsaunt. Obi-Wan goes to explain why they're needed. (Spoiler alert if you haven't got to season 5 of the Clone Wars yet.)

"Ever since Maul took over Mandalore, the Deathwatch have been divided waging war against eachother to regain control. The rebel faction urged that we bring in Republic support and they need us to come up with a plan to take it back from the Maul loyal members of Deathwatch."

Before Anakin could answer to that the ship was pulled out of hyper space, right in the middle of a Seperitist fleet led by Count Dooku.

"General, multiple cruisers are locked on to us!" Rex shouted.

"Get us out of here Anakin!" Obi-Wan shouted at Anakin who was piloting.

"I'm trying!"

"Over there what is that?" Ahsoka noticed something floating out there. A strange looking portal.

"Who cares let's go through it!" Yelled Anakin. A squadron of Vulture Droids hit one of the engines.

"General, our stabilizer engines are blown!" Rex shouted.

"Hang on!" The ship went through the portal.

-=Ruby's P.O.V=-

Professor Ozpin had sent us to Emerald Forrest to clear out Grimm. It was easy going. What really caught our attention was that we saw a weird object crashed not too far from us.

"What was that?" Blake asked.

"No clue. Should we go check it out? It's your call sis." Yang stated.

"Let's go." I said when I pulled out my scythe and ran torwards the crash. When we got close we stayed low so we would not be spotted. We saw 4 people come out, one of them looked alien. One of them started talking.

"Bad news. The distress beacon is damaged and when I looked at the nava computer it didn't show us in our galaxy. We're stranded here sir." The one in the armor said.

"Well right now we need to find a suitable shelter. Let's go this way." One of them had long brown hair, blue eyes, and had brown leather robes. The one next to him who had shorter, ginger hair and a beard spoke up.

"No that doesn't seem right, I think we should go this way."

"Hey, you taught me to rely on my instincts and my instincts tell me to go that way."

"Well we should go this way, I have a good feeling about this."

"Why do you even ask for my opinion, you never do things my way."

"We crashed the ship your way."

"Ha ha. I see your sense of humor survived the landing."

The girl and the soldier guy saw us. The other two were still bickering.


"Sir!" They both pointed at us and they finally looked at us.

"Oh... uhh hi."

We all drew our weapons incase they tried something.

"Easy... we're not here to hurt anyone. Please, put your weapons away."

We put our weapons away and walked torwards them. I was the first to speak to our new visitors.

"Who are you guys?" I'm surprised how willing they were to answer.

"I'm Obi-Wan Kenobi. Forgive us, we were shot down and crashed here by mistake."

"I'm Anakin Skywalker. And this is Captain Rex, my second in command of the 501st."

"Just call me Rex."

"And last but not least, I'm Ahsoka Tano. I'm a padawan learner."

Yang jumped the gun a little when she asked the alien girl something that she shouldn't have.

"Wait, you speak english?"

"Yeah...? ohh you guys don't have off world visitors do you?"

"No we don't. That's actually really cool!"

The one they call Anakin spoke up.

"What are your names?"

"I'm Ruby Rose. Nice to meet you."

"Weiss Schnee. Heiress of the Schnee Dust Company."

"Blake Belladonna."

"And I'm Yang, Ruby's older sister!"

A few moments passed by until Anakin spoke up again.

"You have a lot a questions don't you?"

"Yeah." Blake said.

"*sigh* well brace yourselves, this is gonna be difficult to explain."

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