Adapting to a new life

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-=Anakin's P.O.V=-

I never thought that we'd end up on an unknown planet let alone another galaxy. These girls had so many questions about us. I think half way through the one they call Ruby got lost in the explanation about how the Jedi use the Force.

"Back up back up, you mean that it flows through life itself?" She asked scratching her head.

"That is correct. Everything around you has it flowing through. The Jedi use the Force in ways most people can't. Force sensitive children are brought to the Jedi Temple to begin their training and that prevents them from falling into the hands of the Sith." Obi-Wan did all the explaining he always had a good way of explaining.

"What are Sith?"

"This Sith are users of the dark side of the Force while us Jedi use the light side of the Force. For generations they've wanted to exterminate the Jedi and the Galactic Republic."

"Speaking of which, Rex, I'm assuming you're a soldier of this Republic?" Blake asked.

"Yes ma'am. The Grand Army of the Republic issued a cloning program ten years ago. I am one of many clones that fight a war against the Sepertists. The war is galactic wide so it's hard to find volunteers for the army."

Flying over the forest and torwards the city got us a good view. Something was troubling Ahsoka.

"You okay Snips?" Snips was the nickname I gave her when we first met.

"Is it me or do you sense the dark presence here to?"

"I do. As far as I know there can only be 2 Sith."

"That dark presence you're sensing are the creatures of Grimm. They've been around since Remnant was formed. All they want is our extinction." Weiss explained.

"Oh... so we're not crazy then." Ahsoka said.

"Nope. Your senses are accurate."

We landed in a large courtyard. We went outside to see a large tower in the middle.

"Does this place remind you of the Jedi Temple?" I asked Obi-Wan.

"In a way I suppose it does. Where are we anyway Ruby?" He asked her.

"Welcome to Beacon Acedemy. We train here to fight off the creatures of Grimm and protect our kingdoms from them."

"Yep. Definitely the Jedi Temple." I said jokingly.

"Lots of weapons. I'm guessing that they have their own?" Rex asked.

"We all do!" Ruby said as she unfolded her scythe. "This lovely is called Cresent Rose."

Rex stared in awe as the scythe had its back end in the ground. "Holy..."

"It's also a customizable high impact sniper rifle."

"What the heck? Request permission to get one of my own sir?"

"Okay Rex calm down. Don't need to get trigger happy." I told him as he stopped staring.

"Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ahsoka Tano, and Captain Rex. Welcome to Beacon, I'm Professor Ozpin, I'm the headmaster here." Well at least he said his name so we know who he is.

"Greetings headmaster. But may I ask how you know our names?" Obi-Wan asked.

"Ruby contacted me about finding you four. I'm assuming your ship is far beyond repair?"

"I'm afraid so. It seems we're stranded here."

"I'm sorry to hear that. You four seem like you know how to fight. How would you like to join our acedemy?"

"Give us a moment." We turned to eachother to talk about what we should do.

"Sir, with respect, our ship is no condition to fly and we're not even in our galaxy anymore. As far as we're concerned we're stuck here." Rex said.

"Yeah, and besides, these Grimm seem like a constant threat. We are peace keepers and help those in need." Ahsoka added in.

"That is true. What about you master?" I asked Obi-Wan. He took a second to think about this.

"Very well. We could learn about this place while we're here." He turned to Ozpin to tell him. "Alright, we would like to attened."

"Execellent. I'll tell Glynda that we have new arrivals. If you would please follow team RWBY to Professor Goodwitch's class for sparring. We'll get uniforms arranged tomorrow as well as a dorm room."

"Alright Professor. Lead the way."

"Follow us." Ruby said with a big look of enthusiasm.

-=Rex's P.O.V=-

We walked into a room with a large arena. I'm guessing this is for training purposes. A lady with glasses and a cape looked at us when we entered.

"Ahh so these are the new arrivals. I'm Glynda Goodwitch."

"Obi-Wan Kenobi."

"Anakin Skywalker."

"Ahsoka Tano."

"Captain Rex. But just call me Rex."

Some kid at the end of the room blurted out at us. Tall, red hair, battle armor and a mace in his hand. I could tell this kid was going to be one of those bullies.

"First Faunus and now aliens?! Ha! This just gets better."

"Cardin... don't try your luck." Someone else was sitting in the middle with his arms crossed. Black and white hair, blue eyes and a scar on his face. Cardin? I think, looked fearful and kept his mouth shut. Good riddens...

"Well Mr. Winchester maybe you would like to express your feelings on the arena?"

"Ehh, sure. I'll pick... him." He pointed right at me.

"Wise choice Cardin." Anakin told him. We both jumped down to the arena and readied ourselves.

"Ready... set....... go!" Mrs. Goodwitch said.

Cardin rushed torwards with his mace raised, caught it and decked him in the face.

"Ooh, what's this red crystal do?" I smashed the mace on the ground which sent fire torwards him. "Didn't expect that to happen." He charged at me again. I pulled out one of my pistols, set it to stun and that put him out of commission. Somehow he managed to stay concious.

"What the hell...?" He said lying on the floor. I helped him up and gave him his mace back.

"You're lucky that wasn't set to kill."

"There's two different settings?"

I pressed the button again setting it to kill and shot the wall a few times. It left plasma burns on there and he looked scared.


"One of these can go straight through your heart. You did good kid, better luck next time." I holstered my weapon and went back to my seat which was next to General Skywalker.

"You just love to gloat do you?" He whispered in my ear in a joking way.

"Come on, just trying to have a little fun."

"Oh Rex... what am I going to do with you?" We both laughed. I could get use not fighting those damn droids for once.

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