The Plan

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-=3rd person P.O.V=-

Republic troops are still fighting by air and ground to clear remaining Grimm. With Cinder's capture the remaining criminals are still at large, and Ozpin is missing. One of the biggest problems is that the Grimm Dragon is still circling Beacon. Pyrrha looked out the window of the gunship to see the Dragon harassing Republic air squadrons.

Pyrrha: "That thing is coming to us!"

Anakin: "Evasive manoeuvres!"

The gunship tried to avoid the Dragon as best they could but it seemed fixed on them. The only possible way to kill this thing would be to get it to come to the Jedi Cruiser.

Obi-Wan: "Shadow squadron, draw the creature to the Star Destroyer so its heavy cannons can take it out!"

The Clone named Matchstick was leader of the fighter squad known as Shadow Squadron.

Matchstick: "Copy that General Kenobi. Alright boys, get ready to get hands dirty!"

Clone: "Look at the size of that thing!"

Matchstick: "Focus and get in formation, we're drawing that thing to the ship!"

Shadow squadron fired a few shots at the dragon getting its attention and they flew straight for the ship. Once the dragon was within range the heavy cannons quickly took it out and landed on top of the Star Destroyer and slowly disolved into a puff of black smoke.

Anakin: "Is it dead?"

Obi-Wan: "It would appear so..."

Anakin: "If I ever fly, I'd prefer to get chased down by hundreds of droid fighters and Ventress than that thing."

Obi-Wan: "Amen to that. Adrmil, get medical personnel and prep the brig, for we have a prisoner and a patient."

(I don't know the name of Plo Koon's fleet adrmil so... yeah.)

Adrmil: "Copy that General. We'll be waiting."

The gunship came to a landing in the hangar and with a squad of clones and medical clones waiting. The door opened and the clones took Cinder to the brig while the medics laid Pyrrha on the floating bed ready to transport. She noticed the nose paint on the gunship of two clones and Plo Koon with a language she couldn't read.

Pyrrha: "What does that say?"

Clone: "That? Oh, it says Plo's Bros. Has a nice play on words."

The medic injected her and she quickly fell asleep. And carried her off with Anakin quickly following him describing the extent of her ankle injury. Plo Koon and his troops landed and he went to talk to Obi-Wan about what happened up there.

Plo: "Master Kenobi, I felt a strong presence of anger of coming from Anakin when you went up to the tower. What happened up there?"

Obi-Wan: "He was about to kill Cinder by choking her to death. I'm afraid he's going down a path that will lead him to the Dark Side. Ahsoka being injured only worsened it."

Plo: "Mmm.... keep an eye on him for the time being. If it gets any worse we'll have to take this to the council."

Obi-Wan: "I agree. There's another problem, we figured a plot against the Jedi that could lead to our destruction. It has to do with the clones."

Plo: "Fill me in later, right now we have to tend to the wounded huntsman and huntresses during the battle, and before you ask, they filled me in on everything."

Obi-Wan: "Well I guess it's a good thing I didn't have to ask then."

The hangar began to fill up with wounded clones and hunters alike. It was going to be a longer night.

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