"Tell Dinah and Mani to fuck off, they don't mean to be loud Dinah doesn't have a volume button," Lauren scoffed.

"I can't send them away just 'cause someone else has came, they've been here every day, that's bitchy," Camila frowned and Lauren could see that she was getting worked up.

"Hey, come here," She coaxed and Camila shuffled into her arms, letting her girlfriend hold her. "You can go upstairs if you like, wait until you calm down."

"I want to act normal," She let out a frustrated whine because she didn't seem capable of doing that.

"You are normal," Lauren laughed softly and Camila scowled at her.

"You're humouring me," She crossed her arms and Lauren nearly awed at how cute she looked.

"Shut up," She rolled her eyes playfully and Camila nuzzled her head into her shoulder, "can I kiss you?"

Camila looked at her, nodding doubtfully and Lauren didn't fail to pick up on it.

"Never mind," She smiled.

"No, kiss me," Camila promoted, disliking how everyone was treating her like she might have a breakdown at any second.

Lauren rolled her eyes again before leaning forward, placing a delicate kiss on the tip of her nose.

"Happy princess?" She cocked an eyebrow and Camila shrugged, standing up and Lauren did the same. "You're fucking adorable when you scowl by the way," She laughed and Camila pouted.

"You're horrible to me, I was angry," She declared.

"Sure sweet pea, you like me and you know it," Lauren taunted and Camila scowled again.

"I like you because you make me waffles, that's it," She declared, "and because you cuddle me."

"I knew it," Lauren beamed triumphantly and Camila stood unamused.

She lasted about four seconds before she wound her arms around Lauren's waist, burying her head in her chest

"I love you Camzi," Lauren whispered, embracing her and Camila smiled.

"I know," She whispered back, looking up and Lauren stroked her cheek with her thumb.

"Good, don't forget it," She smiled, pressing a kiss to Camila's forehead before taking her hand. "Are you okay to go back inside?"

Camila nodded and Lauren released her from the hug, settling for wrapping an arm around her waist.

"Good because I think there's a high chance that Dinah has raided our bedroom."

Much to Lauren's surprise, she found that Normani had managed to restrain Dinah from ransacking the house and they were instead sat in the living room playing music.

Dinah was entertaining them by dancing, rather well, much to Lauren's dismay.

"Yoncé all on his mouth like liquor," She sang, effectively slut dropping to the floor before bouncing back up.

"Careful there DJ, you're making Mani all hot and flustered," Lauren taunted and Normani glared at her.

"She's always hot for me," Dinah laughed, sitting on her girlfriend's knee and wrapping her arms around her neck.

Possession ➸ Camrenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें