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I arrived home and Demi and Max were on the couch. Demi was scrolling through something on her laptop. It was a cooking website.

                “Hey, I’m home,” I said as I walked in and flopped on the couch next to Demi.

                “Hi y/n, how was work?”

                I smiled at the thought of Harry. “Uh… good.”

                “What’s that smile all about?” Demi said suspiciously.

                “Nothing,” I lied. “So, whatcha lookin’ at?”

                “Looking for something too cook for dinner. But I don’t have many ingredients and I’m too lazy to go buy some,”

                “Ok, then let’s just go out to eat then,”

Soon, Max, Demi, and I were out in my car, and I was driving them to *any restaurant*.

                “y/n, promise you’ll let me pay this time?” Demi said as I parked in front of the restaurant.

                “No, I can pay,”

                “You always do! Just let me this one time ok?”

                I was hesitant, but Demi was squeezing the blood out of my arm. “Fine, fine, whatever.” I said.             

                Demi squealed in happiness.

We walked inside, and the waiter gave us a table. We ordered and waited for our food.

                “So how was work?” Demi asked.

                “You asked me that already,”

                “I know, but ‘good’ doesn’t quite cover everything.”

                “It was just, a good day. The new team was really nice and friendly. I have no complaints.”       

                “Is that all? Nothing… special happened?”

                “Why do you think that?”

                “Because I can always tell when you’re hiding something, and you’re hiding something right now.”     

                “Demi, I—“

                “Please tell me, y/n,” Demi whined.

                I laughed. “Why is this so important anyways?”

                “Because we’re best friends and we’re supposed to tell each other everything,”

                “Well, I don’t wanna talk about today right now. It’s weird, and awkward.”

                “Aha! So something DID happen! Please tell!”

                I sighed and hesitated. “Well, the band was nice and all, and one of the members were especially nice… and that’s all I wanna say.”

                Demi was thinking about what I could be saying. Then she gasped and her eyes lit up. “Do one of the members like you?”

                “I don’t know…”

                “Who is it?” Demi said excitedly.

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