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Justin’s POV:

I was driving over to the studio. I needed to get writing and do some finishing touches on the songs I already recorded.

I walked in and greeted everyone and sat down on the couch. We immediately got to work.

By the end of the session, I packed up and got ready to go home, but then I remembered something important.

I went over to the main lobby in the building. I passed by a bunch of other recording studios where other artists were recording.

I asked the receptionist if I could speak with the manager. She directed me to his office.

                “Hello?” I said.

                He looked up from his desk. “Ah, Bieber! Come in, come in,” he said. His name was Trevor Walman. “How can I help you?”

                “Um, I have a friend, and she’s looking for a job. I was wondering if you have a spot available for her, preferably in Studio 14.”

                “What can she do?”

                “I don’t know. A lot of things, whatever you want her to,”

                “Well, I think I have spots available but the schedule is kind of complicated and tight right now. I can’t just give her a job because you asked me to. I need to speak with her in person. Tell me, when is she available?”

                “Um…” I mumbled because I had no idea.

                “Here, ask her if she could come see me…” he said checking his calendar. “… this Thursday at 3 in the afternoon. How does that sound?”

                “Yeah, that sounds good! I think she can make it.”

                “Alright,” he said and we shook hands. “I hope your friend impresses me at the interview!”

                I managed a chuckle. “I think she will.”

y/n’s POV:

I was eating dinner with Max and Demi when Justin called.

                “Hello?” I answered.

                “Hey! Guess what?!” he sounded so excited.

                I giggled. “What?”

                “I got you an interview with the manager at my studio!”

                “Are you serious?!”


                “Justin, thank you, thank you, thank you! Oh my gosh, I’m so happy and nervous all at the same time!”

                He laughed. “Don’t be, I’m sure you’ll be fine. Thursday at 3. Don’t forget.”

                “I won’t.”

                “So, whatcha doing?”

                “I’m in the middle of dinner.”

                “Oh, sorry, well I’ll let you get back to that. See you on Thursday.”

                “Ok, and thank you, again.”

Fall: What's Going to Make You Fall in Love...Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant