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y/n’s POV:

I was sitting at the table in Demi’s kitchen while Max was watching TV. Demi wasn’t home.

I was on my laptop, looking for jobs. I had a few interviews so far and two of them offered me the job. But I refused. I found nothing that I was interested in.

I saw Max get up and go to the bathroom.

I was listening to Ariana Grande’s new album. I swear it was so perfect. She’s one of the greatest artists out there now. I love music. I’m not much of a singer, but I can’t live without it.


I looked up and saw Justin walk into the kitchen. I was really surprised to see him here. Max came in behind him and sat back down in front of the TV.

                “Hey,” he said and sat down next to me. There were plenty of other seats at the table, but he chose the one right next to me, close enough that our shoulders were inches apart.

                “H-hi,” I said. I don’t know why, but I suddenly felt nervous.

                “How come you didn’t open the door? I rang the doorbell like 10 times, and then Max finally came and opened it for me.”

                “Oh,” I chuckled, “I probably didn’t hear. I’m sorry,” I said taking out both of my earphones.

                He laughed. “It’s ok,”

                “So…” I began awkwardly. He laughed the cutest laugh ever. Oh my god, I need to get over this crush soon. “U-um. So what are you doing here?” I said.

                “It’s my day off, just thought I’d drop by. Haven’t seen you in weeks!”

                “Oh, well that’s nice. Where’s Selena?”

                “She’s out with her friends,”

                I nodded. It was so awkward for me. I didn’t know what to say. We haven’t seen each other in such a long time.

                “So what are you doing? I’m not interrupting anything, am I?”

                “Oh no! No, no, no,” I said with a small laugh. “Just looking for a job that I like,” I said, continuing to scroll down the laptop screen as he stared.

                “Did you find any yet?”

                “None that I like. All the other jobs bore me,”

                “Well... what are your interests?”

                “Um…” I was thinking. “I guess I’m a music person. Pop culture, that stuff.”

                “Oh, me too! W-well, obviously, haha,” he laughed. I laughed with him.


                “Hey, so, um, I’m really sorry I haven’t been able to hang with you that much now. It’s just work, and… other stuff.”

                “And by ‘other stuff’ you mean your girlfriend?”             

                “Yeah…” he said, nervous of my response.

                I looked at his nervous face and laughed. “Why so nervous all of a sudden? Don’t worry, I like Selena,”

                He perked up. “Oh really?”

                “Yeah. I’m h-happy for you guys,” I lied. But it was the only thing I could’ve said to make him happy.

                He smiled and hugged me. “Thank you, y/n,”

                I faked a smile and hugged back.

                “So where’s Demi anyways?” he asked, looking around.

                “She’s in the studio,”

                “Oh.” Justin said. But then all of a sudden, his eyes widened and he made the face he always makes when he had an idea. “THE STUDIO!” he exclaimed.

                I laughed at his excitement, but I was so confused. “Haha, what?”

                “The studio! Would you like to work at my studio?”

                “The studio?”

                “Yeah! You said you love music. That’s where all the music happens! And plus, we can spend more time together. What do you think?” he said smiling, hoping for a ‘yes.’


                “C’mon, it’ll be fun!” he said, almost begging me.

                “I dunno…” I said, thinking.

                “y/n, pleaseee…” he said giving me a puppy-dog face.

                I sighed. “Sure, why not.”

                “YES!” he said with a fist pump.

                “But what if I don’t get the job?” I asked.

                “I’m sure there’ll be a spot for you. We’re low on workers anyways.”

                “Well then… ok!”

                “Great! I’ll talk to the guys tomorrow to see if they’ll let you in.”

                “Thanks, Justin. This means a lot to have you doing this for me.”

                “No problem. It benefits me too. I won’t have to feel so guilty anymore for not having the time to hang out with you.”

                I giggled. “It’s alright,”

                “No it’s not. We’re best friends, and I’ve been told that it feels like I’m ignoring you lately… and I’m so sorry for that, ”

                I was flattered with his apology. “I-it’s ok, Justin, I—“ I began softly.

                “Stop. It’s entirely my fault,”


                He placed his finger on my lips.

                I giggled, and eventually we both burst out laughing.

                “But, Justin—“

                He covered my whole mouth with his hand. I tried to get it off my mouth, but it was stuck like stone, so I spit on his palm.

                “EWWWW!!!!!!” he said, wiping his palm on my shoulder. He was screaming like a girl. “Cooties!!!”

                I was laughing so hard, my stomach hurt. I knew he was only acting so girly just to make me laugh and feel better. Then out of nowhere, I hugged him, and things feel silent. He didn’t know how to react at first, but then he wrapped his big arms around me.

                “I missed you, y/n,” he said softly, holding me and stroking my hair.

                “I missed you too,” I felt like I was daydreaming. He made me feel so good and special.

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