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Max’s POV:

Justin’s phone rang again. He answered with an ‘ok’ and then hung up shortly after.

                “My ride’s here.”

                “Oh, if you needed a ride, I wouldn’t have minded driving you.” y/n said.

                “It’s ok, didn’t wanna take too much of your time.”

                She smiled because he was thoughtful. “Ok.”

They were slowly leaning in to kiss each other goodnight on the lips… EW! But before they could, y/n stopped and quietly chuckled.

                “Max is in the room.” she whispered to him. Justin smirked.

I coughed loudly to break the awkwardness. They both looked at me and gave a little laugh. y/n took Justin’s hand and led him out of the room. Justin took his food and waved goodbye to me.

I bet they’re gonna go make out somewhere else now… Ew.

y/n’s POV:

I walked Justin out to the front door.

                “So… where are you going now?” I asked.

                “To the studio.” he said and looked at my burned arm. “Are you ok?” he asked holding it in his hand. I looked down, still red, but not too bad.

                “I’m fine. It’s getting better. Thanks.” I said and opened the front door and we walked out to the porch. We looked out and saw Justin’s ride in my driveway. “Wow. Tell your friend I said he has a nice car.” I said.

                Justin laughed. “Ok, I will. Well, bye, goodnight.” he said and started a few steps away.

                I stood there and watched him leave. I don’t know, but something felt missing, so I ran after him. “Wait, Justin!” I called out. He stopped and turned around and I took him by surprise and I grabbed his neck with both of my hands and planted a big, wet kiss on his lips. I pulled away and he was in shock, but then smiled.

                “What was that?” he asked still smiling. I was smiling with him.

                I giggled. “Just wanted to say thank you for everything you did for me today.”

                He smiled. “Does the phrase ‘just friends’ mean anything to you?!” he said mocking me.

                “Sorry, couldn’t help it.” I giggled.


                Justin glanced back at his friend then back at me. “Promise I’ll see you soon?”

                I smiled. “Call me maybe.”

                He laughed. “I see what you did there.”


                Justin looked back at his friend in the car and flipped him the middle finger. I laughed.

                “You should go.” I said urging him on. He kissed my forehead one last time and got in the car and they drove off.

I went back inside the house and shut the door behind me. I leaned against it and smiled like an idiot to myself. I haven’t felt this way about anyone in a while…

I removed all expression from my face as if nothing happened and went back into the kitchen where Max was still eating. I made my plate and sat down and ate with him.

                “How is it?” I asked.

                “Really good, as always.” he said.

                I smiled. “Thank you.”

                “Did Justin leave?” he asked. I nodded because my mouth was full.

                “So what did you guys do up there?” I asked.

                “Played video games,”

                “Who won?”

                “I did, but we were pretty even in the end. He’s pretty good.”

                “Looks like you’ve got some competition.” I said smirking.

                “Yeah.” he laughed. “You know, Justin and I, we were talking, and, I think, he likes you a lot.”

                I wiped my mouth with a napkin so Max couldn’t see me smiling. “Really? What did he say?”

                “He didn’t really say it, but he was kind of daydreaming about you when we were talking.”

                “He thinks about me?” I asked flattered.

                “I’m guessing a lot. And I just noticed that he seemed to care about you a lot when you got your skin burned. Imagine how he’d act if you got hit by a car or something.” Max said.

                “Aww, that’s so sweet.” I said and smiled to myself.

                “And he looked pretty happy when I told him you liked him too.”

                “How are you so sure I like him?”

                “I told him about the Dustin story too.” Max snickered.

                I glared at him. “Oh yeah, and thanks for that. That didn’t make it awkward for me at all.” I said sarcastically.

                “I wouldn’t be surprised if you guys dated either.”

                “Do you want us to date?” I asked curiously.

                “I like him way more than Trey.” he said. “But just imagine all the drama that would come along with it; the press, and his fans, and everything!” Max added. I frowned knowing he was right.

Maybe I shouldn’t date Justin… at all.

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